Ground Plane: how to replace it?

I have some elements to set on a terrain that is not flat and even. Is it possible for me to use this terrain mesh as a ground

plane instead of the automatically available one in DS? I use 4.10 btw.


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    DS does not have a ground plane, as such.  WHat you might be seeing is the ground part of an HDRI in Iray.  If so, just chnage Draw Ground tp off in teh Render settings (it's right at the bottom, ironically!, under Environment> Ground

  • DS does have a ground plane in the way that if you load an item, you can "drop it to ground". 

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Yes, but it is only a virtual ground, it doe snot show up in renders.  But it has dawned on me that is not your problem!  There are ways, I think of doing it, but you'll probably need something like one of mjcasuals' scipts (such as mjccollide).

  • It's alright :) I had thought of the script, and it does work well... I was looking for something else basically because you have do use this on a per-object basis.

    I was hoping to find a way to tell DS "Listen, ignore the grid, just make stuff drop to this beach already!" :p

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