It's 2018. What do we do about those products that will not update?

Read a few threads about this and none of these issues ever seem to resolve.
I have a list now of gems.
They work fine without the update, but what gives?
Mostly it stalls at "Obtaining data from Daz connect."

438 x 868 - 434K
Post edited by Griffin Avid on
Oh, and just to be clear after a SLOW and LONG process of installing update- it goes back to being listed as needing an update.
First suggestion: don't use Connect unless it's mandatory for the file.
Second suggestion: Update it by any other means than Connect.
If these particular issues only show up under the Connect side, and work fine otherwise, there may not be a Connect file for them to reach, so it's always going to stall. In that event, ignore it and enjoy life.
Thanks for the reply. I see you contributing to the forum.
Are you an old user, coming back?
A new user to Daz? (What do you do?)
An old user who just changed their screen name?
Should this be a PM? lol
As a Connect user, I sometimes see this phenomenon when a file has been installed by both DIM or Cnnect. What I do is delete the Connect file (right-click and delete) and go into DIm and de-install the file via Dim. Once both copies are gone, reinstall it either through DIM or Connect (I usually do it through Connect and install the update via Connect). I think what happens ithat there is an ambiguity when you have a file installed by both methods so that only DIM can update a Dim file and Connect can only update a Connect file.
Okay, I'll try that. Thanks. It actually makes a lot of sense if that were the case.
@DrNewcenstein Well, I say good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Check the log (the main log seems to have the needed info most times - Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File - though these is a separate log in the same folder for Connect. You could also try right-clicking on one of the product files, Browse to file location, and check though looking for .part files - I haven't seen this for a while but there was a period when, with my not that slow connection, the process would tiem out on big files (some HD moprhs, HDR images) and so would keep asking to be updated.
No good. I uninstalled from the connect Smart content tab. - checked in DIM and it was listed as uninstalled/ready to install.
I installed through connect and it did. Checked ready to update and it was listed as needing an update. Installed the update...It did and it blinked and went back to having the 'need an update' icon.
Note on the bottom says 'failed'
Navigating to the product's folder looks normal as best I can tell.
Now trying to uninstall and install through DIM.....
How did this turn out? I've got a support ticken in for an issue with the whole update thing myself. Very frustrating that it tries to update 1500 items every time I open the program, and then 7 of them fail, only to do it again when I attempt to update or install items or open the program again.
I think that message always happens, I just turned off the option to see that when Daz first opens..
Somewhere in the preferences/start up is for showing update log on startup.
There's been so much funny business since I re-installed my content, this issue, is now moved to the bottom of my nag-points.
I have some stuff from DIM that's here, but still needs installing (again).
Many products, missing their icons...
The ones that ask to be updated, I don't worry about. Long as they work, as is, I'm fine.
I bought the Exoline Undergarments for g8f today, and they have this update problems. They don't seem a problem to use but they say they want to be updated, even though there's nothing on their info page about a update :/ and of course, when updating it just flickers and than claims it want to update :(
Thankfully I only have this with this product, and hopefully it will be fixed soon
@Carola O
What makes you think it's a problem with the product (rather than Connect)? I have that product and don't have messages about updates. The product also works without issues. I suspect the difference between us is that I use DIM and the Content Manager and you don't.
DIM doesn't check per file for updates, Connect does. It could, for example, be that there's a fiel in the product list that isn't in fact on the server (I had that with oen item in the metadata thumbnail, so not soemthing that affected use). That said, I just installed The Executioner for Genesis and it isn't showing an update as being required even after restarting DS, so i don't think it's a universal issue with the product itself.
I have a support ticket in on this. After almost 2 months, the techs suggested that the files are installed incorrectly at a wrong file location.
I have a custom install and items went 'eternal update' when I was trying to get everything installed at the new external location. The solution suggested was to uninstal the products, delete the reference to the product from the location that is NOT where you want them to be, and then reinstall.
I choaked on that advice and have been reconsidering going back to poser. LOL .. I had hundreds of things. I am once more trying to get DAZ Studio to work. Your mileage may vary with this solution. But that's what I got from Tech support.