Poser Pro 2014 new figure morph dials not working in C 8.5 Beta
I just installed my upgrade to Poser Pro 2014. I added its runtime to Carrara's content tabs. I loaded Ryan2 and it worked as expected in Carrara. The morph dials worked and the figure posed. However, for the new figures (Rex and Roxie), the morph dials have no effect on the figure in Carrara. The morph dials work correctly in Poser. I use windows. Everything was installed to default locations. I tried running Carrara as an administrator. Thoughts?
Here is what was wrong. Unchecking the external binary morphs box in the general preferences of Poser fixed the problem in Carrara. If anyone else runs into this problem, I hope this thread helps.
thanks :)
I've been making lots of morphs in Poser on figures and discovered that I have to save out the figure in the library for them to work in Carrara as opposed to saving as pz3 file and opening it in Carrara