Transparent reflective surface in IRay

Does anyone know how I can create a surface which is otherwise transparent but reflects objects in front of it, to work in IRay?
I often place my rendered characters into real world scenes in Photoshop and I'd like to be able to have them, for example, leaning on a window or glass door so that their reflection can be seen in it, but still maintain transparency of the surface that's doing the reflection so that it doesn't interfere with the background image.


  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    There's a collection of Iray shader settings that come with the free content — I think it's in the Default Resources installer. Have you installed that? Dig around in there and you'll find some glass shaders; the "Glass - Thin - Clear" one is usually best for sheets of plain clear glass, but experiment with the others to see which one best suits your scene.

    Note that when you apply a shader, you must select the object as well as the material on that object, using either the Surface Selection Tool or the Surfaces pane.

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