.PZ2 not showing in DS library and yet...

[.PZ2 not showing in DS library and yet...] ... if I drag a pz2 file onto the figure it's meant to pose, it works. Is there a way to make DS display them? I know of Draagonstorm's script to convert PZ2 into DUF
but it simply doesn't work for G3F or third party things. Headache coming up x__x
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Please don't split sentences between subject line and body of the post https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/109161/please-put-your-question-in-the-post-body-and-the-title#latest
DS will show .pz2 files, if they are in a Poser content lbrary folder in a folder mapped as a Poser Format content directory. Dragging and ropping works as the file is self-contained, so there are no references to other files by relative paths - if you did this with a file that did refer to textures or geometry you'd probably get errors.
Okay, I'll remember not to do this anymore, Richard. Thanks for the tip as well, from there I made some asset links and I am sorted out now :)