Genesis 8 figure not autofitting Genesis 3 stuff corectly.

Hi, having an issue with a genesis 8 figure, a custom figure that I am ironing out the issues with.


Issue is when using a genesis 3 outfit, particularly one that involves sleeves, full legs (ie pants) and boots. A few days back she was autofitting fine, but Ihave obviously done something that hasbroken the autofit.


I have placed another Gen 8 figure inteh same scene and used identical itmes on each, and where teh other figure fits perfeectly, my figure is not.

Whenteh Autofit dialogue comes up, I am not getting the saem options to fit the item, please see attached screenshots for examples.

I really would liek to figure out what has gone wrong, and I am at a personal loss right now.

Amy help would be most higly appreciated.

Screenshot 2018-03-19 22.37.01.jpg
1907 x 761 - 274K
Screenshot 2018-03-19 22.37.45.jpg
1921 x 738 - 243K
Screenshot 2018-03-19 22.37.59.jpg
1919 x 731 - 228K


  • WandWWandW Posts: 2,847

    What version of Studio are you using?

  • TheMonkTheMonk Posts: 43 64bit

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,869

    When you say a custom figure, what do you mean? Did you save it as a new figure/prop asset?

  • TheMonkTheMonk Posts: 43

    Yes she is saved as a figure/prop asset. She has been sent to a couple of testers but have not heard back form them in regrads to clothing.

    One has reported they cannot load (via the Apply/remove duf) the morph files of other gen 8 characters to her. I am not sure why you need to do this, but it suggests there is an issue with her morph files somewhere which may be realted to teh clothing issue.

    On my main PC I can apply any morph I want to, no issues, but on my testing latop, granted i only have one other character loaded on to it, I can not also load the morph onto her.

    However this I ont think is a major issues as why not just laod teh character you want?

    Regardless, I still can not get her to fit gen 3 stuff properly on my end.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,869

    You can't distribute a new figure based on one of the daz figuers - you have to work with morphs and materials for the standard figure. Saving as a new figure is also what is breaking the set up for AutoFit.

  • TheMonkTheMonk Posts: 43

    I am aware of that, she was, however, not based on one of the Daz figures, never was, only the base Gen 8, sculpted in Blender and loaded as a morph into Daz. I was never going to even attempt to distribute here while she contained info or called on morph files form other characters.

    However, I have fixed the issue, I hope, she is back in teh hands of my testers with updated morph file. She is owrking fine on my clean test machine and wearing clothing and hair form the older gals fine now.

    There was a error or a corruption in either her morph file or the way I saved her morph file off (most likely scneraio :( ) which was including things she should nopt have had and yes made her completely illegal for distribution. That has been the whole problem and was the cause of the autofit issues as you suggested. She worked fine on my PC, but test pc's and my beta testers were not having much success.. I have been at it for hours now, and at about 6.30am I think I got it fixed. I've had ot figure this out by trial and error for about the last 10hrs :(


    Now what I got to do is learn how to do teh apply/remove head and body thingies.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,869

    If it used the Daz mesh as a starting point it's still a derivative and not distributable, and even if the mesh and rigging are yours from scratch you cannot include AutoFit clones for figures you don't own the rights to (so if you do make true custom figure, you could make clones available to AutoFit its clothing to the Genesis figures but you would need Daz' permission to create a clone to fit Genesis content to your figure).

  • agent unawaresagent unawares Posts: 3,513

    TheMonk, the reason you are having so many problems is probably because you saved as a figure asset. For new characters based off of G8 you actually want to save just your custom morph as a morph asset. Then she will work with all other G8 girls correctly.

  • TheMonkTheMonk Posts: 43
    edited March 2018


    If it used the Daz mesh as a starting point it's still a derivative and not distributable, and even if the mesh and rigging are yours from scratch you cannot include AutoFit clones for figures you don't own the rights to (so if you do make true custom figure, you could make clones available to AutoFit its clothing to the Genesis figures but you would need Daz' permission to create a clone to fit Genesis content to your figure).

    She is not a true "figure" but a Gen 8 charcter preset just like every other one you buy on Daz or Renderosity etc that is not a Daz original (like Vicky 8, Joise 8, Aiko etc). How is it I can not do this but all these other PA's can?

    The issue with the autofit was a matter of me saving her wrong, and then including the wrong files from the data directory when putting her onto a test machine not due to me trying to force a completely new figure to use the autofit stuff.

    I'm not really sure what you are getting at here? If I am missing something please direct me to the official legal documnets so I can find out what it is a need to do to make her distributable.

    I think my use of the term 'figure' in my OP is causing some confusion.


    TheMonk, the reason you are having so many problems is probably because you saved as a figure asset. For new characters based off of G8 you actually want to save just your custom morph as a morph asset. Then she will work with all other G8 girls correctly.

    Proeblems have been fixed as far as I know, so most of this thread is now a touch redundant :) I went back to the start and re did her morph import, applied her materials (all sourced from legal MRs or scratch made (ie some makeups, lipsticks etc) and saved her as morph asset as you stated correclty and after studying the file structure of some other characters I have bought was able to package her properly to send to my test machine.


    EDIT: After re-reading the only relevant documents I am aware  I have contacted Daz in regards to a proper clarification of the term 'derivative' describing the creation process of the character and await their eventual reply.

    Post edited by TheMonk on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,869
    TheMonk said:


    If it used the Daz mesh as a starting point it's still a derivative and not distributable, and even if the mesh and rigging are yours from scratch you cannot include AutoFit clones for figures you don't own the rights to (so if you do make true custom figure, you could make clones available to AutoFit its clothing to the Genesis figures but you would need Daz' permission to create a clone to fit Genesis content to your figure).

    She is not a true "figure" but a Gen 8 charcter preset just like every other one you buy on Daz or Renderosity etc that is not a Daz original (like Vicky 8, Joise 8, Aiko etc). How is it I can not do this but all these other PA's can?

    The issue with the autofit was a matter of me saving her wrong, and then including the wrong files from the data directory when putting her onto a test machine not due to me trying to force a completely new figure to use the autofit stuff.

    I'm not really sure what you are getting at here? If I am missing something please direct me to the official legal documnets so I can find out what it is a need to do to make her distributable.

    I think my use of the term 'figure' in my OP is causing some confusion.

    You said "Yes she is saved as a figure/prop asset." and didn't amend that; if that is what you are currently using then it's a derivative product and can't be redistributed. If your fix was saving as a Morph Asset and then saving a shaping or character preset for the base figure then yes, that is the same as other PAs do and is fine (as long as the morph asset doesn't embed changes from other, non-mechant resource, morph sets or shapes of course).

  • TheMonkTheMonk Posts: 43
    edited March 2018

    You said "Yes she is saved as a figure/prop asset." and didn't amend that; if that is what you are currently using then it's a derivative product and can't be redistributed. If your fix was saving as a Morph Asset and then saving a shaping or character preset for the base figure then yes, that is the same as other PAs do and is fine (as long as the morph asset doesn't embed changes from other, non-mechant resource, morph sets or shapes of course).

    Aye originally she was, which is why I didnt amend that in that post but later on and that was an error on my behalf (confusion as to what she needed to be saved as) and also the cause of my issues. This was not meant to be the way she was saved, but this is my first figure and I made a mistake there. I am however completely aware that I cannot use the assets, shaping and morphs from any other figure without explicit permission to do so. This thread was but part of a whole trouble shooting thing last night so only part of the story. Aplogies for not making that clearer and using terms (and methods ) which were in correct.

    She is now however not saved as that but as a regular Morph Asset and Character Preset using only the shaping I made in Blender and the Gen 8 morphs and to the best of my knowledge a legally distributable asset.

    I am still going to receive proper clarification from Daz themselves, and while I do that I am trying to see if I can make separate head and body moprh files without having to go way back to the beginning (she was shaped as one thing originally) but not holding out much hope atm lol.


    Post edited by TheMonk on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,869

    OK, thanks for clarifying.

  • TheMonkTheMonk Posts: 43

    Cheers for the feedback.

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