Clothing conversion help needed

Is there anything that converts all my Genesis 3 clothing to fit Genesis 8 please?
ive done a search but still at a loss.
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Is there anything that converts all my Genesis 3 clothing to fit Genesis 8 please?
ive done a search but still at a loss.
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If you mean batch converting several clothes at a time, then no.
But G8 figures include an autofit clone for the corresponding G3 figure, so you can convert an outfit when you want to use it and then save the converted item back into your library for future use.
Thanks for the reply Leanna, what I mean is getting my Genesis 3 items to fit my Genesis 8 characters.
currently any Genesis 3 i have items don’t show if I have a Genesis 8 character in the scene in smart content for example.
Uncheck Filter by Selection at bottom-left of the Smart Content pane. Or use the Daz Studio Formats/content directory/People/Genesis 3 Female/Clothing folder to find Genesis 3 clothing (content directory = the location you install to with DIM, or Daz Connect if you installed in DS).
I have a question on that aspect. I've gone through the processes to get V4 as a Clone setting in G8F so that clothing will auto fit. Works great, for general poses and whatnot, on the default G8F figure settings, However; when I try to do any sort of "actor" changes, the clothing no longer fits with poke through here and there, or just outright ignoring the shape behind it.
Is there a way to change the clothing to follow actor settings, regardless of what those might be and have that load with the new saved clothing item?
I.E. Load G8F> load clothing item, give clothing all morphs or settings to clothing item> Save clothing item. Open new scene> Load G8F> load clothing item> change Actor setting for G8F to whatever and clothing follows and/or conforms to new settings.
Basic example being I have the V4 Clone in G8F, if I cloth G8F with old V4 clothing it looks good in general posing, but if I USE that clone dial to change G8F to V4, the original V4 clothing no longer fits correctly and has the poke through or gaps where there used to be body...
Once an item has been turned into a fitted item for the newer figure via AutoFit it should get projected morphs as any other fitted item, mesh permitting.