Prof of Art Uses Carrara in Sculpture Workflow

HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
edited June 2013 in Carrara Discussion

Cruising for a daz related item and discovered this artist uses Carrara in her digital workflow for sculptures (announced on Daz facebook) - amongst other software I imagine.

Worth a look though nothing I can see is underlined Carrara specific -
Except perhaps Multiple Vickis? and m4's?

Interesting, because the arcane form of digital work mystifies most people, and
so simple objects turned into 3d sculpture are capable of astounding- until the secret is out.

Not that I don't like the work.. The rhythm and balance of some of the pieces is exquisite :)

Quote from Daz facebook

The figure which was printed in 3D and animated titled Sensual was selected for the poster for the 20th year celebration of the international digital sculpture organization Ars Mathematica.
The work is by Mary Visser titled Sensual and completed with Carrara Studio Pro and 3D printed. See my website at for more works completed in Carrara Studio Pro using some poser pro and some just abstract forms.

Great to see what the future brings.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48175248,d.dGI&fp=879181bfd0a9a1b0&biw=1318&bih=616

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