Never said I was Normal!

Can Carrara handle NORMAL MAPS? If so how and what channel in the shader?
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Can Carrara handle NORMAL MAPS? If so how and what channel in the shader?
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A normal map is just a type of bump map right? I'd think you'd just go to the shader and drop it into the Bump slot.
Yes, Carrara can handle normal maps.
'OKAY I found that! I dont know why I couldn't before ..
NOW the question is... HOW do I convert an image into one that can be used as a NORMAL MAP!
My son found a nice program to do normal maps on a Mac. It's called Crazy Bump. It's currently available as a free beta, but I haven't found any issues with it.
WOW that is great! BUT I am running MAC OS 10.5.8 at this time and it wont work at this time.
Do you know of any others for MAC
How about NormalMapper and nDo. I'm not sure what the system requirements are for those.
also consider plugin from Inagoni
Baker or Deeper or both? have not used either in a long time
If you convert a bump map to a normal map you won't see any real improvement. It would be like converting a greyscale image to RGB. It might render a little faster, but you need a way to create a normal map to get the benefit.
Best way to make a normal map is by baking the texture on a high-polygon model, so the map will wrap seamlessly. That's probably some kind of sculpting/texturing program like 3D-Coat.
The next best way is to create a tiling (or non-tiling) "flat" texture, either generating it in a paint program or rendering out a flat image of a 3D model (the BAKER plugin can this).
Least-best way is to convert a bump map in a program like nDo - which I couldn't find a current link to...
I looked and looked and downloaded NO JOY! I found this half azzed Adobe PIXEL BENDER which I an not sure even works. That CRAZY BUMP is awesome baby BUT only runs PC. I just may buy a cheap PC laptop soon and maybe it will run on that.
I was VERY disappointed in what I found...
Steve Jobs is ROLLING over in his grave
That crazy bump is the bomb man! BUT wont work on MAC OS 10.5.8
For $19.99 you can upgrade to Mountain Lion. That's a lot less than buying a PC.
Thanks yea I know but right now I cant I am using a G5 powermac! I am hopefully that by the end of JULY I will have a new MAC PRO! I have NO money now not even 20 bucks I can spare!
NEVER take on net 3 accounts that turn into net 90s
HI Richard :)
Filterforge,. works on Mac :)
There's a 30 day (Fully functioning) Trial version, It creates Diffuse, Bump, Normal, Specular, etc
It's also available as a "Stand Alone", as well as the Photoshop plugin.
Check out the Filterforge filter gallery to see what's possible., and browse the available Free filters/textures.
THNAKS 3DAGE your always with the correct answer! it is for mac but it says INTEL processors! I am not sure thats really true but I do plan to get a new INTEL mac soon!
How come I never heard of this it is wicked great.
AND it it can make NORMAL MAPS I am in