Burrogen Cavalry Rider Poses Not Working on Characters[Solved!]

I can't seem to get the rider poses in War Beasts: Burrogen Cavalry Poses and Accessories to pose the character. They pose the Burrogen but not G3F, G3M, G8F, or G8M. I've tried selecting just the character and I get the error in the first bullet point below. I've tried selecting just the Burrogen but the pose only works for it. I've tried selecting both the Burrogen and the character but the pose only poses the Burrogen.
What I've tried after adding the Cavalry wearable on the beast, adding a character to the scene (G3F for example), and finding the cavalry poses under Warbeast Burrogen in G3F poses:
- Selected just G3F and tried any rider pose resulted in the error "Invalid hierarchy for selected node(s) and 'preset_hierarchical_pose' type; no root(s) found."
- Selected just the Burrogen and tried any rider pose only poses the Burrogen. No error is generated.
- Selected both the Burrogen and G3F and tried any rider pose only poses the Burrogen. No error is generated.
- Selected just the saddle and tried any rider pose only poses the beast. No error is generated.
- Selected both the saddle and G3F and tried any rider pose only poses the beast. No error is generated.
Clearly I am doing something wrong, but I'm out of ideas. How do I pose both the Burrogen and the character so that she becomes the rider with these poses?
Is the human parented to the beast (or possibly vice versa)? Hierarchical Pose presets, which these clearly are, require that everything to be affected is parented to the base figure.
Thanks Richard. Unfortunately that didn't work either. I just parented G8F to the beast and vice versa, then parented to the beast's hip, then to the saddle, but the poses still only affect the Burrogen and the reins, for example, just as before.
Also, I don't recall having "to parent" to use the rider poses in products like Battle Cat or DAZ Dragon 3 Fantasy Poses. Maybe they weren't termed hierarchical, but at least they worked!
The other unfortunate thing is that I bought the beast and armor/poses beyond 30 days ago, only yesterday did I first use either of them, so I probably won't be able to get a refund.
Parenting the G8 figure to the creature's abdomen should be the corrent poceedure on this.
Yay! I was hoping you'd stop by. That works!! Thank you!
I'm a happy customer again! 
Please update your product page and/or readme so others will know how to use the rider poses correctly.