New Purchase - Error Occurred While Reading File.


I've recently picked up Edward 8. When I went to load it into a new scene I received the following error: "An error occurred while reading the file, see the log file for more details."

I've looked online and did the following: Uninstalled Edward8, deleted and reinstalled Edward8, and checked to see if the files were in the destination. Cycle completed over 4 times.

Does anyone have an idea as to what may be going on? I can provied the log if needed too. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,871

    Are you sure you weren't double-clicking a shaping or materials preset without anything selected?

  • 00t00t Posts: 10

    Are you sure you weren't double-clicking a shaping or materials preset without anything selected?

    Thank you Richard for replying. When I start a new scene I normally just click drag the model onto the scene itself. When I received the error, I went back and selected another figure in the same category and clicked dragged it into the scene to confirm this method worked. 


    I almost always start my scenes this way. I need Edward 8 for an existing scene. When I highlighted a model that was already in the scene, Edward 8 showed to be an option to select. However I was still unable to drag and apply him. I did notice however, if I go into his materials folder in the daz3d program, I can select skin maps and apply them. However, many of the Iris (away from my pc at the moment but I believeit was called iris, the nvidia iris name) these particular files wouldn’t load, practically all of them.


    this is why I tried (multiple times) to uninstall, delete, download, and reinstall the files again. Do you think maybe it can be a video driver?


    really appreciate your help, Richard. I desperately need this to work for a project that’s coming up, I’ll try anything!


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,871

    How are you installing - Install Manager or Connect? The file you drag in is tagged Actor at top-right of its thumbnail?

  • 00t00t Posts: 10

    How are you installing - Install Manager or Connect? The file you drag in is tagged Actor at top-right of its thumbnail?

    I’m using the download manager for downloading and installing the files. Afterwards, in Daz3D I use the smart content tab on the left. I then go to figures, and then I double click the Edward profile image. Once that is selected I go to the tabs directly below (figure, marterials) and I open the figure tab. From there I have an image with Edwards head, and the banner “actor” on the top right of the image. This is what I normally drag onto the blank scenes. This method works for Lee7, Lilith7, Monique8, Victoria8 and so on. I haven’t s clue why it’s only happening to Edward8.

  • 00t00t Posts: 10

    Update: I have been able to load the HD version of the model, however it loads with missising textures. Chin and upper torso is missing, along with his legs too. I've been manually installing the files but still not working correctly. 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,871

    My Connect install of edward 8 worked, just trying a DIM install to see if that works.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,871

    DIM install works for me too. You've tried uninstalling and reinstalling so I'm not sure what to suggest next.

  • 00t00t Posts: 10

    DIM install works for me too. You've tried uninstalling and reinstalling so I'm not sure what to suggest next.

    I really appreciate your time and you trying, Richard. Maybe I should try a Connect install (not entirely sure what that is just yet).

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,871

    Connect is the system for isntalling within DS - using the products list in the Content Library pane, the Products tab of Smart Content, or the Install pane.

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