Daz Crashed 10+ Times

My Daz is keep crashing every time I use dForce I try to simulate some objects to make them fall fluid and real but it keeps turning my cursor to the hour glass then boom. Daz force closes.
On the narket place I just swiped the upgrade to the free beta program (4.10) either way and once I clicked it on my Daz it’s been crashing non—stop. I been fighting with it the past 8 hours trying work on my render but it’s just keep crashing... ????????????
Are they items made for dForce or items you have converted yourself? What is your OpenCL provicer (Advanced tab of Simulation Settings)?
Gi there, thanks for your response.
The issue that caused this severe crash was because I was simulating dForce with non-dForce clothing which I found on OptiTex Dynamic Clothes.
Well, I have been able to use a piece of OptiTex clothing (without modifying it in any way) at least once but it might be safer to export it as OBJ, then try applying a dForce Modifier to that.