Converting obj to Conforming Clothing


I have a piece of simple chest armor I built that is in obj format. When I import the item its pivot point is at the bottom of the item. When I run the transfer utility it moves the armor so that the head hole is in the middle of the chest. I have tried modifying the pivot point so that it is in the middle of the chest armor but when I export it out to obj and then import back in the pivot point is changed back to its old location at the bottom of the item. When I move the pivot point (green small axis) to the the center of the armor and then run the transfer utility the result is the same the simple chest plate is moved so that the head hole is in the middle of the body. I have tried using various settings inckluding bodysuit,shirt and none with various advanced settings but the result is always the same the item is moved to the middle of the body, How do I fix this so that the obj can have proper positioning after the transfer utility is done?


  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    Not an expret, but I would load the character its made for in its default state (zeroed morps and pose), import the chest armor and position it (without trying to fit it to the figure) so it looks ok. Then make everything but the armor invisible and export as an.obj with base resolution. Then import the new version and use the transfer utility to fit it to the figure.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    The Transfer Utility works from the base shape of the figure and the base shape of the imported mesh - any posing or adjustment is ignored (by default). If possible it's best to model around the base shape, if for some reason that isn't possible you can reverse out shapes (but not any transforms) by setting the Source Shape to the shape you modeled around and then, in the extended options of Transfer Utility, checking Reverse Source Shape from Target.

  • griersongrierson Posts: 5

    Ok I can shed some light on this now.  The dwarf character I am using is based on the genesis character.  So I decided to try using the base genesis character unmodified with this chest plate obj and the transfwer utility and it worked flawlessly. I then saved it as conforming clothing, loaded the dwarf character, dragged the chest plate on to it and it fit it to the dwarf without issue.  Moral of the story use the base character not the morphed one first then the clothing will work. Apparently the transfer utility is not robust enough to deal with so much complexity.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Ok I can shed some light on this now.  The dwarf character I am using is based on the genesis character.  So I decided to try using the base genesis character unmodified with this chest plate obj and the transfwer utility and it worked flawlessly. I then saved it as conforming clothing, loaded the dwarf character, dragged the chest plate on to it and it fit it to the dwarf without issue.  Moral of the story use the base character not the morphed one first then the clothing will work. Apparently the transfer utility is not robust enough to deal with so much complexity.

    It has nothing to do with robustness - Transfer utility needs the meshes to match in order to know what to project to where. The best way to do that is to modela round the base, but you can model around a shape (as long as it is purely a shape with no transforms) and set teh Source Shape to use that shape, set Reverse Source Shape from target, and allow DS to reverse-project the morph before projecting the groups and weights.

  • griersongrierson Posts: 5

    Hi Sir Richard;

          Thanks for taking such an interest in my issue!  The Chest armor was modeled around the Genesis based dwarf.  When I use this armor with the base genesis character ithe transform utility works perfectly.  When I use it with the dwarf it places the head hole in the middle of the chest! 

         Before I was a game designer I spent 25+ years as a 3D graphics programmer for the CAD/CAM and medical industries working for AutoDesk etc.  From my perspective the fact that the chest armor (way too big in the chest for the standard Genesis character) works flawlessly with the Genesis base (which the chest armor was not modeled upon) while failing with the proper model indicates that there is an issue with the underlying code unless there is some rule of engagement when utrilizing the transfer utility in this context that this armor is violating. What this rule is I haven't a clue.

         Once again thanks for your valuable time in this matter. I am going to modify the armor a bit in Modo and try again. If anything comes of this I will let you know.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    So the OBJ, as imported, lines up with the dwarf and not the base figure? But after rigging with the Transfer Utility, with no selection for Source Shape and Reverse Source Shape from Target not checked, it fits the base figure but not the morphed figure?

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    The Genesis1 dwarf morphs all scale the base figure from the pelvis area, leaving the feet floating above ground level. Maybe that's part of the problem?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Ah, as I said above the Reverse Source Shape from Target is restricted to shapes and not trasnforms (which includes scaling).

  • Kia ora


    I am trying to bring an armour set into Daz 3D thats NOT Daz in any way. I have managed to import the body parts, chest glove skirt/lower body I fitted them in a 3D program to the base Gen-8 female body and imported via the transfer utility and all seem to be well cept the boots that are high heel, I'm not sure I did them correctly fitting them with the heel of the body at the correct hight in the boot, BUT I did not have the foot in a high heel pose, reading that transfoms are ignored I figured that was the way to go. the boots fit on Huo great as long as I parent them BUT go weird if I fit them.


    The obj's where skinwraped to the Gen-8 skeleton before export

    I imported via the transfer utility with source as Gen-8 and target the <Imported-item>

    I have not done anything else with these items as yet, my search's do not show up any tutorials for 4.10 Pro Daz for importing stuff like this or making the matrials using a metallic work flow.

  • On rigging high heels, you might want to look at the video lniked from thsi post

  • Kiwi-HawkKiwi-Hawk Posts: 88
    edited October 2018

    Kia ora

    Thank you very much

    Sorry I'm not seeing the JCM's he's speaking of, is that maybe different on Gen-8 characters or Daz 4.10?

    Its not said in the video, should I be skinning the boots before export ot doing all that in Daz by copying skin weights, not sure if that needs a skin to copy weights to or puts them on the boots

    1800 x 852 - 488K
    Post edited by Kiwi-Hawk on
  • Yes, the JCMs (if any) and the precise bones would depend on the figure used - the general technique should be applicable to other figures, though. Skin weights come from the Transfer Utility.

  • I walked away from this for a while to cool off I got so angry and frustrated, this has been NO help at all to me

    So, your saying some have JCM's some DON'T?. it feels to me following that tutoorial that it's the JCM's that are important having non makes that tutorial no help at all, importing boots and shoes with heels seems to be a major issue unless your a really experenaced 3D graphic artist there is next to no help and the system does not know the difference betwenn flat and high heels. I can NOT find anything that helps me undsrstand how to import these boots

  • Perhaps if you walk us through what you are doing now someone will be able to offer some more concrete advice. The main thing is, you are going to want the heels to have a uniform weight - you don't want them bending with the foot. You also need to bear in mind that real high-heels haev to be quite rigid, they are generally solid on the bottom unlike a lot of flat shoes, so if you aim to mimic that (and expect the user not to try flexing the foot, or if you simply weight the shoes only for the heel flex the lower bones within the shoe without bending it) you may find the problem more manageable than if you try to make the shoes work with any possible foot pose.

  • I have tried to design clothing in marvelous designer for daz studio for genesis female characters, but when I import the clothing .obj file into daz studio. It's to rigid on the character and doesn't fit properly after I "tranfer utilizes" to my character. I zero out all the current settings in parameters tab, and what I'm left with is very rigid. Is there a way to change the surface settings to make it less rigid? But not DForce: I've tried DForce and get nowhere with it.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    I'm still not sure what you mean, but if you want it to better reflect poses you will need some combination of adjusting the weight maps, adding morphs controlled by bends (JCMs), and adding situational morphs to be set by the user as the pose seems to require.

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