DIM and installing old V4/M4 bundles

Hi. I finally decided to install stuff I bought from the recent V4 sale and the M4-V4 massive one from a few weeks ago. If DIM lists the bundle and has separate listing for the individual items, would I be fine if I just install the bundle? Or do I need the individual products to avoid getting errors? Some examples are:
The Malaik Bundle, The Malaik Wings, The Malaik Outfit, The Malaik Characters
Dragonbraid Bundle, Dragonbraid for Victoria 4, Dragonbraid addon - Tails
Bandage Bundle for Victoria 4 and 10 individual V4 bandages
Recent Genesis 3 and Genesis 8 products do not have this problem since DIM doesn't list the big bundle and just lists the indiviual items.
Post edited by y3kman on
I don't have any of those bundles myself, so I cannot say definatively, but I do have many older bundles and can say this: it depends on how the content was packaged. I have some older bundles that are available as individual products but also have a bundle download as well. In some cases the bundle download simply contains some extra content, while in other cases the bundle download contains all the content in the bundle. The only way you can tell for sure is to download the .zips and open them up. However, the size of the bundle download should give a pretty good indication, when compared to the individual product downloads. If the bundle is huge, it probably has everything. If it is relatively small, it probably doesn't. I would suggest installing the bundle first. If the individual items are all in there, DIM should no longer show them as pending I believe. You'll know for sure the first time you use the products, of course, and the downloads will remain available if needed.
If someone actually has those bundles and happens by, they can give you a more definitive answer.
In my experience:
some of these ex-RuntimeDNA bundles have content in the bundle that's not in the individual parts,
others have duplicated content, and
some even have a small subset of content in the bundle not the whole lot.
So, there may not be a general rule (I have no idea about the bandages for example) but I do know that I installed the separate components of the Malaik Bundle and of the Dragonbraid Bundle and not the Bundle itself and they seem to work.
ETA: I just looked at file sizes and the Malaik Bundle is far too small to have all the content, so you will need all the components. The DragonBraid Bundle file is about right so may contain all that you need, but again I did the components to be safe.
Also, in another thread here, I asked about a problem I had installing V4 Elite textures through DIM. They had Carrara files and I don't have Carrera. Melanie helpfully suggested going into the DIM options screen and deselecting Carrara in the filters. If you don't have Carrera, you might want to do that. Otherwise, it will download the Carrara components, then complain that it does not know the path to Carrera.