Bind Dformer parameters to figure

Hello everyone!
I'm doing a lot of things at the same time, and today's question is: Can I bind a Dformer parameter to a figure?
I have an orca but his tongue can't narrow, so I decided to create my own narrow parameter with Dformers.
The result is pretty cool, see below, but now I want to bind it to the jaw parameter for a quick access, like in the second picture.
How can I do that? When I try to spawn them, nothing happen, no messages and no parameter in the morph tab either.
Thanks for your help!
Post edited by Dimansio on
Try checking the figure node, instead of the jaw, after spawning the morph.
Yes I tried that. The first thing I did. But maybe I did it wrong, what do you mean by "node"? The whole figure on the scene tab?
Yes, Orca Male in the Scene pane - check for the new Morphs group in the Parameters pane
So, I spawned with everything checked, called it TEST but nothing on the morphs parameters. Morphs is hidden so I had to check the show hidden option. Does it matter in some way? Is it working for you?
It worked for me, but using a newer figure.
It does work on the orca, if I have all of the bones on the figure selected (presumably all affected bones, but I was just doing a quick test that was warping the whole body). Check the Create Root Node parameter box first if you want a master slider.
Oh yes, it worked by selecting all the childrens!
So, I have two Dformers, one for the left narrow, one for the right. I want Three parameters, one for each two, and one doing both. Is it possible to spawn only one morph? Or do I have to start other and make my morphs one by one, spawning them and deleteing them each time?
The box you mentioned, is it called "Create Root Control Parameter" on the Dformer tab? Or is it another one?
Make the two side morphs, then set them both to 100%, zero everything else, right-click on the parameters pane and select Edit Mode, right-click in the gorup you want to have the master slider adn select Create New property, name it (and possibly set its minimum value to 0), set its value to 100%, right-click on it, select ERC Freeze - that should give a controller that will set bot lateral morphs
Yes, that's what I meant to type.
I don't really get it sorry. When you say "make the two side morphs", you mean by spawning them? Or just the Dformers?
What do I have to set to 100%, and what do I have to zero?
Then, I create my new parameter on my Orca/General group, and do the ERC Freeze thing, but what have I to do with the window popup? Do I have to uncheck things?
I tried some things but nothing worked.
Sorry for not understanding well!
Yes, spawn the morph for the left side and the morph for the right side. Both of those, and the newly created property, should be at 100% with everything else zeroed. If that is the state the only things that should be checked in the dialogue are your two partial morphs (left and right) - if there's anything else showing uncheck it.
Oh ok I get it now! The thing is: how do I spawn one morph at a time? They always spawn together, even if I add only one node.
You'd have to have a separate set of dForms for each - you can do that by using File>Save As>dForm preset and selecting one set of dForms, then doing the same for the other set. Delete all of the dForms, apply one preset and spawn its morph, delete the dForms, load the other preset, and spawn its morph.
It worked! Thank you so much!
It's strange how the ERC freeze works though. My max property for narrow is 250%, so I both set them to 250% and created the new parameter with 250% too. After the ERC, nothing was working, until I changed all parameters to 100% again and everything worked perfectly fine! Pretty strange...
Thank you a lot for your help! You already helped me on another thread, I'll go work on it later now this one is over!
I'd usually do ERC Freeze with the controller at 100% and the slave properties at whatever they should be with that, rather than using the top value -though I don't know why using a diffrent value would cause problems.
At least, it's working! I'll try using it again with other figures, but still an easy tool to use, when you know how to use it of course!