Navel shows through clothes

The figure in question is a G2F, and the clothes are the G-suit-2. everything is working great, except that teh navel shows a lot of detail. Looking for an answer to the problem, I found a contest entry where someone suggests "turning off the navel morph," but all I can find on G2F for this is a bunch of sliders, all set to zero already. I tried putting one to -1, but that didn't seem to help either. Any idea in either the clothes or the figures to make the navel not show through?
Does one of the other morphs you have applied include a navel as part of its shape?
Hmm, maybe. It's a basic g2f with Voluptuous and not mcuh else at this point.
Have you looked at trying to clear this under Hidden Properties?
Look at your "Parameters" pane, and locate what looks like a tiny stack of 4 (?) white lines. Open this by clicking on it (Windows), then select "Show Hidden Properties", so there should now be a tick in that box.
Now the fun starts. In your scene pane, select the G-suit-2 (Or Genesis 2, whichever you want to change), then, back in the "Parameters" pane, find "Actor".
And search for the navel morph, either as part of "Full Body" or "Lower Body", so you can remove the navel.
This should work on the clothes, without modifying G2, but doing it to G2 means you can change clothes, and there will be no navel on the new items.
I'm just working from memory, however (Studio is playing up for me right now), so some of the details may be off.
Good luck, and make sure you DESELECT "Show Hidden Properties" when you're done!
Neat...that will come in handy for a bunch or reasons, thanks!