Daz Studio 4.10 "My Library" is empty

I just made the switch from the older Daz Studio 3 to Daz Studio 4.10, and the "My Library" folder that i'm supposedly supposed to use for manually installing content files, is completely empty. There isn't a texture folder, runtime folder, anything. Completely empty. Is this normal or a problem? If it is a problem does anyone know how to fix it?
Open the Daz Install Manager, and see if your items are waiting to be installed.
Try going to the Daz Store and picking the items you want to download and install
I think the library works differently from 4.9 and up. DS 3 may work even diffrently, but I started with 4, myself. When I upgraded my system I tried to do a clean instal of 4.10. I could see my library items, but (almost) nothing would load.
Only after reinstalling 4.6 and then upgrading to 4.9, the library transfer/change/update was triggered.
If you don't have any older versions downloaded, you may have to start your library from scratch as was suggested in the previous post.
If you still have your content folder from your earlier version of DAZ Studio, you can continue to use it by pointing the Content Management Service to its location (twice actually, once for DAZ Studio format content, and once for Poser format content). If you wish to use DIM, then as some yahoo said, you can re-populate a new content library that way. If you need to re-install all your content and wish to continue to do so manually, you can put that content library anywhere you wish, as long as you point DAZ Studio to its location as I mentioned. Unlike DAZ Studio 3 that could be downloaded complete with default content, the newer versions do not include free content - the free content, consisting largely of the various Starter Essentials packages, must be downloaded and installed separately from the program (thus the empty library).