Frustrated with Render in Window

Don't know if anyone else is having this problem, didn't want to do a ticket if this is considered normal for the current version.
I am using 4.10 and when I do a render, I head into settings for size and such and always have it set up to render in a new window, so I could see the full size and therefore any problems my scene might have. For some reason Daz will not render in a new window, it will only do so in the current scene and that image is too small for me to see if there's no poke thru and such.
Any idea's about this?
In the Render Settings Panel, if I select Still Image and New Window, Then click the green Render button, I get a new window. Same if I hit Control R
I will give that a try.
And that is a matter what I do, what setting I use, it will not render in a new window.
That's not normal. I'm using 4.1 and have no problem rendering in a separate window.
4.10 I assume?
Sorry, I'm having another slow-in-the-head day. Yes, I meant 4.10. (64-bit) to be precise.
I have 4.10 but how do I know what version of that as it does not show any extra numbers?
Also, I still don't know what to do about the fact I can't render in a seperate window, does the version have anything to do with it?
I wouldn't say so, because I just started using it and made test renders - all popped up in separate windows.
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Can you take a screenshot of your Render Settings>General pane and post it here? There might be an unobvious issue with the settings.
Case in point — I just remembered the Cameras now have an ability to override general Render Settings dimensions values. (Although I don't know if this ought to be affecting the non-dimension settings...) Select your camera in the Scene pane, look at the Parameters pane, and click on Dimensions. Is the "Use Local Dimensions" switch on or off?
I don't know what camera you mean?, the only view I have is the one that's there when I open Daz, I have never used a camera that came with a product or added one myself.
In that case, you should be using the Default Camera (it's named in the top bar of the Viewport). Go ahead and try my suggestions, there might be something tucked away in an unobvious setting that's causing the problem.
Ok I had to add a camera as I couldn't find a default one and that dimensions under parameters is off
Ok I changed that to on and it showed a bunch of stuff and it still did not render in a seperate window
I think at this point we really need screenshots — if you can't find the default camera in the menu at the top of the Viewport, there's something non-standard about your setup.
Just as a matter of interest - have you tried a spot render to see if that will open a new window?
To do that you need to select the Spot Render tool, go to Tool Settings and select the "New Window" option near the top, then draw your Spot Render marquee in the viewport.
(Most likely it won't work either but coud be worth a try)
I never used spot render so not entirely sure how to use it. I will upload images and I believe I found the camera on the bar you mentioned. I really do think it must be my settings since no one else has posted on this thread about having this issue. I will post the images monday since I have to do shopping tomorrow and family coming sunday.
Note: Just tried to do a spot render and same thing happened, except I can't locate the tool settings you mentioned. Could it be the style I have Daz set up in, which is Highway.
Spot renders don't render to a new window.
They do if you set them to do so in the tools tab.
To do that with the spot render selected open the tool tab, Window>Panes(Tabs)>ToolSettings, then tick the Render to New Window Box.
Thanks Scorpio I was able to get a new window for that render and now know how to apply tool settings to camera's.
Spotted Kitty I added the default camera back to being in the scene's and so long as I use that and not perspective view I will get a new window with the size I select for a render. Don't know if that is suppose to be the norm but so long as it works I'm
Thanks bunches everyone for the help.
Yes, that's how it's supposed to work — the Perspective View is exactly what it says on the tin, a View, not a Camera. Real cameras have a lot more options and a lot more controls to let you do other things. Also, View settings are never saved when you save a scene, where Camera settings are always saved in a Scene, and can be saved if you want in a Scene Subset.