How do i remove Carrar 8 Pro completely

Not just deinstall. I want to remove everything. Also hidden files, registry and so on.
I have made a clean Install and after that, Carrara asked me not for my serial number.
Carrara fails to start, no Error Message, nothing.
OS is Win 7 64Bit
Has anyone a hint, how to fix this.
You have to trust the uninstaller. That is a sucky deal I know -- as a former Microsoft support guy I can assure that the uninstaller might leave detritus laying around (especially in your Registry).
Sadly, Carrara is also very weak with useful error messages and logging functionality. >:( That is just bad programming practice.
Gathering a trace with SysInternals Process Monitor might help out here. Send me a PM if you need help with that.
HI erdi65 :)
The uninstaller, will Uninstall the program files which it installed,.
It won't "uninstall" files created after installation, such as your Preferences, and serial number activation, and obviously any shaders/objects/scenes etc.. which you've created.
The preferences file is stores in Users/(your name)/AppData /Roaming/Daz3D/Carrara
I'm not certain where the serial number is stored, probably in Regedit somewhere, ...but it shouldn't stop you either removing Carrara, or adding Carrara again, ..or adding a different version of carrara.
With or Without a serial number, Carrara should install and open.
You can then register a serial number, or change the serial number by going to the little Daz Logo at the top left corner of the main screen in Carrara, and clicking on the option to Register Carrara.
Q: Are you running the program as Administrator. ?
You need to do this to save the serial info.
But,.. as far as i know, it should still run carrara, although it will not have saved the serial if you're not admin.
Hope it helps :)
yes, with admin rights. During uninstall i have disabled my Norton (NIS) so that the uninstaller can do his Job.
I have delete all Carrara folder, edited the dzInstall.ini
And the last thing i did, i use a "Registry Cleaner".
Next try, Admin rights, no Anti Virus, no Firewall.
After install, a Window pop up for a millisecond and disappears.
still no Carrara...
But there is a popup...even if you cannot identify it quickly enough. Then Process Monitor can probably help you out here.
You can download it from here:
I don't know what level your OS internals knowledge is at, but I am more than willing to you out with this tool.
knowledge is average, not too low. ok, downloaded and unzipped. can you point me in the right direction how to use it
Once you double-click on procmon.exe to run the program, it will present you with the default filter list. Do not change anything here, we'll capture every single event on your system. Just click on OK.
This starts PM gathering data. In the lower-left corner you'll see the status message "Showing X of Y events." That should be changing fairly rapidly as Windows is always doing stuff in the background.
Reproduce your problem by trying to run Carrara. Once that fails, switch back to Process Monitor and stop the trace by clicking on the magnifying glass icon -- that is third from the left.
Save the trace file (CTRL+S) and be sure to save "All Events." Let me know in a private message how big the file is and we'll find a way for you to send it to me for analysis.
I really don't know what happened, Process Monitor crashed, Carrara started.
Thank all, that you have tried to help. I much appreciate it
Process Monitor crashed?!?!? And then Carrara started working?
Something doesn't smell right there...but I guess the main thing is Carrara is working for you now!
Sorry for the late response. Yes, the Process Monitor freeze, grayed out and a new Window appears, asked me to send a crash report to MS.
Then I clicked the icon and Carrara started without error.
I think i have to control and fix my OS (and/or my Norton)
HI erdi65 :)
It's good to hear you're up and running again, but I think you're right, there may be other issues here with you're OS.
I'd make sure that you have the latest updates / service packs, and i'd also suggest downloading an running a couple of third party app's to check for anything unwanted.
"Powersuite", will scan your system and registry, and find /fix issues with programs, reg entries, and even disk performance now.
"Stinger". is a stand alone (free) tool from McAfee.
it will scan your system for anything out of the ordinary, and it;'s updated all the time, so you're downloading the latest version with the latest virus definitions
Programs like Process monitor shouldn't crash,unless you do something bad to them :) and especially if it's the first time you run them.
If it does,. then that usually points to something else which needs to be fixed.
Those two app's should help you to find out if there's a bigger problem,. and possibly fix it for you.
Hope it helps :)
I've got to agree with does sound like there is something else amiss here.
Those other programs I cannot comment on as I have never used them. Personally, programs that claim to repair issues with your system make me rather wary. In the worst cases (especially those programs advertised on TV or certain website banner ads); they will actually infect your system with malware...its all a scam.
An established company like McAfee can usually be trusted of course. They have a reputation to protect.
I trust Process Monitor because I know its author - I would have trusted him even before he was employed by Microsoft. If you really want to geek out on Windows Internals and the SysInternals software, look for Mark Russinovich's "The Case Of The Unexplained..." videos.
Erdi65, if you can find the time and endure the hassles, it might be best to reformat and reinstall your entire system cleanly.