DH Master Bedroom trouble

I recently purchased the Dream Home Master Bedroom (along with the furniture that goes with it), but I am having a problem. I can get the furniture to load just fine, but I can't get the Master Bedroom itself to load.
The Master Bedroom comes in a zip file, which I unpacked and merged the content folder. I triple-checked to see if the files were in the right places, and they seem to be. I can find the icon in DAZ for the Master Bedroom but when I double click on it, all it says is "you must select an item within the scene" or something along those lines. I manually searched through pretty much all of my content folders throughout my library and tried everything associated with the Master Bedroom, but alas, no Master Bedroom. I have some of the other DH rooms and don't have problems loading them.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
I'm going to go reset my download, but are you using a Mac or a PC?
What's the exact file name of the file you installed?
Okay, I see that file has been converted to zip already. :)
Make sure that you're loading the "Character" file for the bedroom. This should be found at: Poser Formats > My Library > Figures > DH_MBD > DH_MBD.cr2
Thanks for the quick help Adamr001. I looked through all the files but did not see it, so I went back and checked the folder where I extracted the files to. It seems that only half of the files actually merged and the rest did not, so I had to manually drag each file into its respective location. I don't think I am a fan of the zips :)
Thanks again for the help!
Glad you got it sorted out!
Admirable help too. Adam didn't even crack a joke about someone having trouble in the bedroom. :)
I am a pillar of self control. Really!