Zbrush to Daz is not accurate (mixed up)


I used GoZ for simple morph and that's working great, but when I want to use it for Complex object (an object that has been edited with other morphs) It doesn't work, how? it miss up the lips (open them) , stretch the eyes, and so on (anyting that I edited in zbrush but so extreme).


I used it in new genises too and It still the same problem. I want to create a single morph to convert genisis to person I want,. Could you guys help?

Thank you

Daz 4.10 and Zbrush 4R8P2


  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,710

    So you are using Genesis, the original Genesis, not like Genesis 8 or other iterations?

    If you are adding morphs, are you wanting to use this character for yourself and not for sale? You can't use other morphs from DAZ or PAs (unless they are from a Merchant Resource that tells you can bake them in) to create a morph to sell.

    I export objs and don't use GoZ, so I can't address the problem you're encountering. I know with obj, I don't have trouble.

    I don't know what you're doing when you say open lips or stretch eyes. Could you show screenshots?

  • rilerriler Posts: 15

    Hello cris, Thank you for your reply.

    It's genesis 8 and I'm using other people content but its for personal use only.( I start scrath if i want to sell it)

    I just want to edit this model in zbrush and send it to Daz so It be only 1 morph (as genesis 8). I used GoZ, If you have any other way to acheave this please tell me.


    1288 x 576 - 34K
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    The trouble with spawning a single morph from multiple other morphs is that you lose any joint adjustments and corrective morphs.

    If you just want to have a single slider for your shape it's safer to set the shape up, and have no other settings applied, then right-click in the Parameters pane and check Edit Mode (if it isn't), then right-click in the group you want to have the controller in and Create New Property, set the new property to 100%, then right-click on it and select ERC Freeze; run your eye down the list of SubComponents to make sure there's nothing there that shoudln't be and click Accept, check the result works, File>Save As>Support Assetss>Morph Asset.

  • rilerriler Posts: 15

    Hello Richard.

    Thank you for your answer. The reason that I used other morphs is because I want to create advance setting for furture modeling and tweking. So I need this to work.

    But I found the problem. I was subdivided my character in Zbrush, and after an hour search (I'm new to daz) I realizied my problem..

    1. You can send your chracters with cloth to GoZ.

    2. It much much easier than other method.

    3.You can acheave Single slide change.

    4. It's faster

    But thank you for teaching me the other method.

    God bless.

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