Daz Freezing Up

I need Help !!! Please could someone tell me what would cause DS to lock up when I try to delete a Genesis based charater G1, G2, G3 or G8. victoria 4 STAR Cookie none of the legacy figures cause DS to lock up. I also cannot perform a "Select All" or do a " Fit To" operation on any Genesis base characters. I have tried to reinstall DS 10 and have tried to reinstall the genesis characters and it still freezes. Anybody.......Please! Thanks!!!
Computer specs would be handy. It might be you are running out of RAM, Studio is dropping down to virtual Ram, which means accessing the hard drive, or there is something running in the background using up resources which Studio also needs to use.
i have an I7, 16Gigs DDR4 GTX 970, never had issue before I reinstalled DS10 a few weeks back. I thought I had an issue with a plugin that I did not have. Plug in working ok but after reinstall DS10 freezes when I try delete Genesis based figure.
Specs are about the same as my laptop minus the GTX 970.
Have you checked the log file Help/Troubleshooting/ View Log File? Look at the bottom and see if anything pops out at you