Never saw this G3M distortion before

Hi, everyone. I never saw this before, but also never looked. What the heck happened here? All I did was load a character and bend a few upper body joints. AfterI saw this, I loaded a couple of G3F characters and tried it on them. No problem. Then I loaded a second G3M and the problem showed up on him too. Both males loaded with Duplicate file error messages, but that's not unusual and I never saw this before. Neither female loaded with this error this time. Can this be a result of that error and I just never noticed? Thanks --

G3M distortion.jpg
1372 x 772 - 152K
Looks quite similar...
Yup. That's it! That poster solved it by uninstalling the offending item via DIM and reinstalling by Smart Content something-or-other, but I only do manual installs. Nonetheless now I know where to start looking. Thanks much!