Question about SoullessEmpathy's terrains
Posts: 3,635
Hi. Could someone who owns the Versatile Terrain ( or the others in the series tell me if the terrain uses tiling (repeating) textures or one giant map?
Thanks very much.
I don't have it, but the first 3 words of the description are "A tileble terrain". (sic)
Heh, yes I did notice that. I think that means that terrain object itself is tileable (meaning they can be placed next to each other and blend seamlessly).
Ah, I see where your question comes from. However, the largest texture map is only 4096 x 4096, so I think that would look pretty bad spread over a large terrain. I think it must be tiled. I hope you get a real answer from somebody who owns it. Mine is only an educated guess at best.
The ground textures are 4096 x 4096 (include normal maps) and get applied as tiled textures. There are some angles where it can be obviously seen, others are a bit obscured due to e.g. grass clumps and prop shape.
Edited to add a "Top View" picture of the 1x1 terrain - Tiling is of course less obvious from ground view and I rather like this set as for tiled terrains. There is also the 4x4 prop, which naturally covers a larger area.
I had this on my wishlist for a while and bought in last months sale. I was favorable impressed with the way it rendered.
Ah, so it uses a very large tiling texture. Thank you very much, I will probably pick it up. ^_^