Imploding outfits using DForce (and a number of other small issues)

Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504

I'm finding it hard to love DForce at the moment, because as it stands it cannot be used. Here is a short list of problems I'm facing when trying to drape even the most simple of outfits:

1. "ERROR: Memory Object Allocation Failure (-4)"
Seems to be the most common issue. I've had to switch to CPU (!) simulation just to avoid this one a lot of the time. I've heard it could be a driver issue, but rolling back drivers only seemed to make matters worse rather than alleviate it in any way. Surely the latest drivers should be the better option, and if not does the problem lie with NVIDIA or with the DForce system itself?

2. Terrible collision.
Outfits just don't 'collide' with the characters and prefer to sink through the skin. Oh, but not as a whole, that would make it too obvious, instead only parts of the outfit sink inside the character, while the rest is flung around as the dynamic engine desperately tries to reconcile the dynamics of an intersecting object. It makes some very interesting floral-like patterns (see attached) but ultimately fails to provide even a basic drape.

3. Simply failing to even try
Some times, DForce just gives up. I'll click the simulate button only to be greeted with an error before it ever attempts it. The generic error it provides probably won't help much, since it is basically just complaining about memory, but with 6GB VRAM and 32Gb RAM I should hope something as simple as geometry calculations shouldn't tax it quite as much. When I first saw this error, I removed 90% of the scene, leaving just the character and the outfit, and it suddenly started working, but considering all of those objects were far outside the collision area to begin with, it seems odd I would have to do this at all.

I would really like to get more out of this system, and I have a number of DForce clothing items I'd like to get some use out of (to say nothing of the non-dynamic items I want to add DForce to). If there are any solutions or things I can try out to get to the bottom of my problems let me know. It's been driving me crazy!

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Post edited by Herald of Fire on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,857

    Are you using "dForce" items, or items that you have applied the modifier to yourself? Are you restarting DS after any error? Which collision mode are you using (Simulation Settings pane)?

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078
    edited April 2018

    @Herald of Fire

    dForce defintiely works. Here's two quick dForce renders I did with default dForce settings. I also have 6GB Vram and 32 GB system Ram. Stonemason's Private Garden. No issues. Stopped the second render to fix the poke through.The system can handle the load. I even did the dForce sim after the whole scene was loaded.

    Sienna - Private Garden Test 1resize.png
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    Sienna - Private Garden Test 2 1%.png
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    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504

    I'm aware it works, when it works, but the issue is that it seems to be rather hit and miss. Sometimes it'll work just fine, and other times it just 'explodes' clothing items for seemingly no reason. I've had outfits clipping through the character (not just in a minor way, but rather having large chunks of the mesh push through), and so many memory issues that I'm starting to wonder if my PC has Alzheimers. At least it seems the clipping issue is universal; I notice the wall can be seen through the dress.

    As for settings, here they are. If you spot something that can be fixed, I'll see how it goes. I've done a lot of experimentation myself, and nothing seems to help. The switch to CPU simulation was the only way I could use DForce in scenes with any moderate complexity (and they really don't even need to be that complex!), since it gives memory complaints on my 6Gb GeForce card.

    As for whether the items are DForce 'compatible' or otherwise, I've tried both and the same issues are there regardless. Notably, the 'Sweet Anime Dress' that came with Sakura 8. I created a custom influence map for another dress (removing the influence entirely except on the skirt, which has zero depth), and while it worked fine in the first two tries, the third, which used wind, made it explode quite dramatically and in a single frame no less!

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    DForce 2.PNG
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  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504

    Update: So, I fiddled around a bit more and finally got it working on the scene I wanted. It seems that DForce doesn't know how to (gracefully) deal with intersecting polygons, which causes the exploding outfits seen above. The maths goes completely bonkers at that point, and it starts affecting parts of the model which are not even in the intersection.

    Whether or not there's a fix for this is another matter, but at least it has been mostly identified. Still have the memory problem kicking in (seemingly at random), but one baby step at a time.


  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    @Herald of Fire

    Try turning everything in the scene, except perhaps the figure and collision object like furniture Off/Invisible while doing the simulation. Alternatively, simulate with the just the item and the figure in the scene (no hair). See if this helps the memory issues.

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited April 2018

    Sadly, attempted this with just Sakura 8 and the 'sweet anime dress'. Still get the same issue. Specifically, the error is "Open CL notify: CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE error executing CL_COMMAND_NDRANGE_KERNEL". No hair in the scene at all. Interestingly, simply simulating the dress alone causes it to explode in glorious fashion. It's a great outfit, but DForce doesn't seem to want to play nicely with it right now.

    At this point I have to wonder if it's just my PC that has issues with it, since I've seen a lot of people use it seemingly without a problem. After some Google-Fu, I found a few people mentioning similar problems but not much in the way of a solution except for rolling back graphics card drivers.

    After this error appears, I have to reboot Daz Studio to attempt it. Every try brings up the error message "Error preparing objects to simulate", which doesn't help matters at all.

    DForce 3.PNG
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    Post edited by Herald of Fire on
  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481

    So, I am getting the same MOAF issue, and then the preapring objects thing.  Using 3dUniverse dForce stuff  :(  First time I had issues with dForce.

    Did you figure anything out about this?

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