Scroll bar on pane isn't visible

Hi, this has been driving me nuts: With DS 4.10, I run into this problem where the scroll bar on the right uppermost pane goes off screen when I have panes open on the left. I'm using the default configuration so the pane that is giving me trouble has the Scene view, so to select an item in the scene I have to use the down arrow to get to it. Or if I hide the pane on the left, the scroll bar in the right pane is accessible. So I end up hiding the left pane, selecting the item in my scene from the right pane, and then hiding the right pane again.
I'm running a GTX 1050 ti GPU, and I've tried resizing the display...but DS seems to want to take up just a bit more space on the right side of the display no matter what, so it puts the scroll bar just out of reach.
Not sure I'm describing this well but it's...well, a huge pain. Thanks in advance for any suggestions
It may help to post a screen shot.
Richard, I'm attaching the screen shots. Any ideas? It's not a deal killer but it is annoying.
Ah, that looks like a variant of the issue with the view controls in the corner of the Viewport being lost - one or more of the panes in the group has a minimum size that is alrger than the available width, so the right-hand edge is lost. My suspicion would be it's the Aux Viewport, so try closing that first.
Yep, there it is. Thanks, Richard, that fixed it! Cheers