A dim, er, I mean DIM, question ...

Why is it, when if I finger-fumble when starting DIM and get the password wrong, then correct on next attempt, does DIM throw away any sort order options I previoulsy had?
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Why is it, when if I finger-fumble when starting DIM and get the password wrong, then correct on next attempt, does DIM throw away any sort order options I previoulsy had?
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I assume because it hasn't validated the account, and so won't read the settings - but why it doesn't then read them on a successful log-in, rather than sticking with the "last used" defaults I don't know. I have had a bug report/feature request in for it to keep (or revert to) the user's chosen settings for a while now, but it may be a hard problem to fix depending on the sequence of events.
Speaking as a (ex-)programmer it should be a very simple issue, depending on how the code is structured.
As an programmer (ex or otherwise), you should know that the devil is the details, or in this case the 'should'.
Anyone at work who says should during our morning stand-ups, usually says it with a certain amount of resignation... Murphy is sure to be listening.
Uh huh, hence the 'stress' I used ;)
FWIW, I don't see this behavior after my "fat fingers" make an appearance.