Why does uninstalled stuff show up in Default Content Library

Trying to understand how the CMS works will make me more insane than I already am. (I know the mechanics from user end of moving, categories, copying, etc. It's the why it does what it does when I least expect it.)
I haven't fired up Studio since around Mar 10. (Gee, thanks, RL!) I opened up the Default/Lost and Found category and find 9 items as user created folders in it; some of the stuff bought during March Madness. Items I bought but did NOT install. (BTW, my L&F folder was empty on/or about Mar. 10. And I sure did not create the folders. And I bet if I delete the folder and restart Studio, that folder will come back empty.)
One (Alphakini Contemporary) is just one of the bundle I bought; so one file out of four showing up is mysterious. Possibly being an older prop, doesn't have the right metatags. (Similar with Gen 3 Essentials and Sultana?) But Bar Interior 2018? And Empty Detention Cell? Both new produsts. I would have thot that they would have proper metatags. Why (how) do they show up as lost and found? We have apparently system created user folders... or something like that.
Also, under Shader Sets, the Sheer Metallic Fabrics (new product, again, purchased but not installed) shows up as 'system created' folder with appropriate subfolders per the product listing via smart content? It has the subfolders per the Install view when I look at the 'Smart Content'.... so metatags must be there somewhere. But something else must cause them to show up in the default listing. What mysterious force is involved? (Well, ok, what in the software is doing this?) As 'system created' folders, I could understand some tie between my Product Library and the CMS. But it seems too tightly and inconsistently wound together. (In my mind and hierarchy, I don't really differentiate Shaders from a Shader Set. I will (using Sheer Metallic as an example) go with Shaders/Sheer Metallic/... folder structure will move/categorize accordingly. But I shouldn't have seen it (by my feeble logic) at all.
It drives be crazy to understand what is going on and how to find what's what and what's where. This apparently random addition and changes to folders adds an (IMHO) unnecessary challenge to managing the CMS. Maybe if I understand the why and how, I can at least know what to expect. Right now it appears to be evil forces, black magic, and/or the Illuminati that do not want me to manage my runtime efficiently.
A product will show under Lost and Found if only one file is not categorised.
If you buy from the Daz3D shop rather than throught the Studio software, AND use DIM for installation, you won't have these issues. No folders get created until installation.