strange hair issue

Can anyone shed any light on this issue? the hair is Linda Ponytail Hair for G8F by OOT. The image attached shows all material zones with cutout opacity set to 0, yet the hair still casts an ugly shadow, still vivble with all material zones at default opacity, hence the problem. I have gone through each material slider and set it to zero/removed any maps one at at time, yet the shadow remains. the only way i can remove the shaodw is to turn off that material zone in the geometry editor.

linda hair problem 1.jpg
1080 x 1920 - 1M
I can't tell what you are talking about... The shadow on her neck, or the horrible skull-cap poke-through on her head?
Looks like you are rendering in 3Delight... I see a lot of angular shadows and hard lights. If the materials are IRAY, I wouldn't expect them to work correctly in 3Delight. It doesn't have the same shaders. Thus, the whole point of IRAY for a rendering engine.
What are your rendering settings?
(Hard shadows... the angles on her chin, which are squares and the ones on her eyes, from her brow. Like the model has no actaul curves to the surface.)
Taking a second look at the image... I am not sure what is going-on there... Looks like a lot of other issues, more than the hair. Shadows shouldn't be projecting on the far left-side of her face, so they can't be "shadows"... Did you apply OOT's hair correctly? There is usually something that says, "APPLY FIRST". Some kind of scripted shader, I imagine.
Render is done in iray, all shaders are specifically iray applied as per OOT’s instructions. Hard shadows are due to the model being at base resolution. This is not poke through. All the hairs textures, including the skull cap are set to zero opacity, so the materials shouldn’t be visible at all. Difficult to see in a still, but this is definitely a shadow. Applying a head size morph to the hair so no part of the hair mesh is in contact with the models mesh gives the exact same issue. By rotating the view in iray preview mode the shadow areas are definitely on the skin, as a shadow would be.
We had another thread on a different OOT hair, where the goal was to hide all but the tail. We never did figure out how to remove the shadows (but in that case it was possible to use bone-hiding to achieve the desired result, as i recall).
Yes. I can make the entire hair invisible via the geometry editor by hiding either the corresponding face group or material group. However I don’t want the hair hidden, just the shadow. Strong lighting (as used in this scene) makes the shadow stand out more, and looks very odd. I have also found the same issue with another OOT hair so I’m thinking there is something in the shader still casting an unwanted shadow. I will have a play with a base shader and gradually add maps/trans/opacity settings to see if I can pin point what’s causing it.