Animate y transition not working in aniblocks?

I hope someone can help me with this - its driving me nuts!
I animate on the timeline to make a figure kneel on the floor. I then create an aniblock from this.
When I apply the aniblock to a figure instead of moving down to the floor, as done on the timeline. the figure starts to float above the ground when it should crouch.
I think the y axis information, either the body or hip translation, is not being transfered, but I cant figure out why or how I can fix it
Any ideas please?
I've noticed the same typesof issues with other posing attempts.
Essentially what I have found is that the models are setup in such a way that the hip controls everything, esspecially when using the Pose controls. So what you wind up with when using "bend knees up" is a floating figure (or jumping)
Only way I have found to resolve this type of issue is to bend the knee, drop to floor, set keyframe. Can try to place feet where you want them and the move the hip downward, just be aware that the models feet will get "pushed" through the ground plane eventually.
I'm currently trying to figure out how to break that Hip to foot movement for a dance, just an offset of weight from a hip swing and 'poof' off a foot goes...
VERY frustrating.
I'll try to elaborate whats happening:
Animating on the timeline for a short animation. At 0 secs set up a standing figure, at 1 sec begin to crouch by bringing the legs up in a bend, and set feet to floor
at say 2 seconds the figure is kneeling, and the knees are on the floor, and continues to end.
Now I create an aniblock so I can refine hand poses etc.
Clear the scene, add figure, apply aniblock. At frame 0 the feet are below the floor, at 2 seconds the knees are above the floor??!!
Somehow the vertical axis is being messed up I think. Perhaps something to do with frame 0 and the last frame influencing one another or something?
Im really stuck for ideas - can anybody help please.