OT: Tall ships In Galveston - Animation Inspiration

One of my favorite topics for short animations is the sailing ships of the 18th and 19th centuries. So the visit to Galveston by some real tall ships was a good opportunity for some inspiration. They'll be visiting New Orleans and Pennsacola soon, so check it out if you're interested. Here is a short video of the Galveston event:
Very cool. I love these type of events. When I lived in Texas, one of the coastal cities got the replicas of the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria for the 500th anniversary of Columbus. Think it was Corpus Christi. Great exhibit. Now, I live in the Navy Yard neighborhood of DC. A few years ago, the local marketing geniuses tried to promote a “celebration” of the 200th anniversary of the Brits burning the docks and shipyards during the War of 1812. Unless they were marketing it in The UK, Canada, etc, hard to characterize it as a “celebratory” event!
now I wish I had taken more photos of all the historical stuff I’ve attended. Would make for fun modeling subjects. Online schematics are great, but I find photos very helpful.
Please report back on the tall ships on the Gulf Coast.
They never marketed it here - there's not much recognition of events like that.
yeah, we Americans memorialize and celebrate odd things. In Austin, there is a big annual party for Eeyor, the character from the Pooh books.
Surely, you’ve seen that marketed across the pond?
And this year, Derby Day coincides with Cinco de Mayo. Not sure we will make it to July 4th.
Havent seen that. but we do have an annual Poosticks championship (although it's not held on the original bridge)!
"now I wish I had taken more photos of all the historical stuff I’ve attended. Would make for fun modeling subjects. Online schematics are great, but I find photos very helpful. Please report back on the tall ships on the Gulf Coast."
Thanks. I don't have much more to say about the recent event, it lasted four days and gone. But I'll report on any future visits. We have the Elissa permanently berthed at the Texas Seaport Museum in Galveston, here is a slide show:
As an aside, we used to sail an Ericson 27 keelboat in Galveston Bay (and once offshore to Corpus Christi). Coming in one day, there was a large two masted sailboat moored at a temporary visitor's dock, maybe 60 or 70 ft. It said "Jersey C.I." on the stern, as we sailed by I asked a guy aboard where that was. He said "Channel Islands". I said "Oh."
Another aside, a great painting of a real tall ship, Admiral Nelson's "Victory" (albeit a sad day for him and his Navy). Currently docked at Portsmouth.