Content on external harddrive - 'missing files' in Daz?! -Resolved

So I have my content folder on an external harddrive. I'm stil trying to figure out this new 4.10 (confusing as heck), but I managed to add the Content folder to the Content Library list. I saved my working file, and unplugged my harddrive. Plugging it back in, I tried to load my saved file, and it said all the files were missing. The listt didn't have my Content folder as an option - I had to go and re-add it. Files were still missing. I tried to add something new to the saved file (a hairstyle) and it said there were missing files. I went into the actual folder and the files are NOT missing - they are all there. Am I doing something wrong here? I do NOT like this new layout! I just want everything read from my harddrive directory, and I don't understand why files are 'missing' when they are clearly there.
I hope this wasn't a bunch of confusing rambling! Thanks!
Are you sure the drive letter didn't change when you unplugged the drive and plugged it back?
Studio layout has not changed for Content directory management related action for several updates. People are always saying that Studio says files are missing when they are on the hard drive, yet never seem to get that Studio only looks at the pathes taht are ilisted in the Content Directory Manager.
Leana has proabably found your problem. Plugging/unplugging the drive is probably the issue. My content is all on an external drive and I don't have these issues.
Yep, that was the issue! I had plugged the harddrive into a different USB port, and it changed everything. Thanks!