Issues with G3&G8 female figures

Hi all,
last week or so I posted here in the forum about having issues with G3 and G8 females and the selection of body parts for posing. It’s happened again and I’ll try to explain.
G3 and G8 load fine, will take 3rd party hand and full body poses, clothes, hair, shoes etc all conform. The issue is that when selecting individual body parts like the extremities there are no sliders to move the selected body parts. When I select the figure’s body and hit the arrow on the Hierarchy there is nothing in the drop down list but the hips. No hands, legs, feet, head, etc to select to pose.
The figure also doesn’t respond to shaping, surface, posing tabs. The only thing that works is the rotation and translations. Morphs will work on the figures as well.
Everything else like props, presets, etc load and work fine the issue is the selection of individual body parts to pose or the figures.
If I need to post a screen capture I can but it doesn’t show much more than I described.
I uninstalled every thing, DS, Female essentials, IM and completely did away with my library. It seems there is something corrupt the only thing is I didn’t clean the registry or other Daz folders in the program folders on the C:/ drive so I’m at a loss as to what to do. All graphics drivers and windows updates are current (windows 10 64-bit).
I run a i7 six core and have a GTX 1060 6GB card. My scenes are not complex so I don’t think it’s my computer since the issue lies with the Genesis figures.
sorry for being so lengthy and I hope this helps.
A screen shot would be useful. For example, it may show that in the scene pane there may be little crosses next to body parts, which would indicate that part can't be posed. Studio has LOTS of features that are not obvious at first, so that's why a screen shot or two could show the problem to a more experienced observer.
Okay one screen shot coming up. I didn't see any little crosses everything looked as it does normally. Were there any updates to DS or the Genesis 3 and 8 figures? I've deleted everything DS related all folders, registry settings for Daz studio and IM, My library, etc in hopes of doing a complete reinstall. I had not being able to use DS I was just learning so much about after using poser for so many years. Thanks
Everything is based from Hip for these models. Click the arrow for Hip. You should also be able to click on the specific part you want to move.
PS, your screenshot violates the TOS. It will be removed soon.
@Fast bike I've done that and there is no drop down showing any parts. Oh sorry about the screen shot my bad eeeek.
I’m back in business everything installed it appears that there must have been an upgrade in Genesis figures. I used to be able to just select a body part independently. But now as you said fastbike1 everything now starts from the hip now. Thanks all for the help. And i’ll never screw up the screen shots in the future ;)
You can stiil select a body part independently from the Viewport. If you are using the Scene tab, then you will have to navigate through the bones. I find it is usually fastest to select a mjor part, such as a hand, in the viewport, then go to the scene tab for individual joints.