My dForce Creations Are Exploding! Why?!

Okay, here's the thing. I've been creating superhero-style costumes, and with the advent of DAZ dForce, I've been working to add it to my creations where appropriate (ie, things like capes, dresses, etc). However, when I tried applying dForce to my latest outfit, I have major problems. Not only does the dForce simuation slow down dramatically, but the affected outfit explodes into a massive polygonal mess! And I have no idea why!
For context, here's the costume in question.
One thing that I have noticed is that the sections of clothing that I didn't weight map that are the ones that explode. For instant, the cape. I weightmapped the bulk of the cloth because I want it to be effected by the dForce simulation, but I didn't weight map the metal clasps. But when I ran dForce, it was the claps that explode.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Turn simulation off on the clasps.
And how do I do that?