Saving Character Preset Issue

File > Save as > Character Preset
This does not happen every time but, when I save a character preset there seems to be like a 15% chance that it saves assets directly over the top of the base Genesis. Like I'll save an actor that I customized and when I load the normal fresh Genesis into the scene. Often times its tethered to morphs associated to my last Character Preset.
Have you also saved the morphs as assets (File>Save As>Support Assets>Morph Asset)? If you did, and if their default value was non-zero (which it would be if you'd memorised the figure or figure shape before saving as an asset, for example) then that would be the expected behaviour, and the fix would be to resave the asset with the default value set to zero.
YeahI saved it. but I never changed their default value. I dont use the memorize figure button either. I deleted the morph and reimported it, and did the exact same steps I did before, and now all the sudden it's not doing it. But I'm wondering why it does that. It's really annoying.