docking work panes
Ok, so I have no idea what I need to do
I was trying to put my work tabs in order (content library, surface tab, scene)
You know how their are 2 windows around the the figure.
Well, I some how managed to remove 1 of those windows and I have no idea how to put dock that window back into place (the window is away from the rest of the program view...i can move it around)
Just grab the tab at the top and drag it back into place. It should fall in line with the rest.
That's what I've been trying to doesn't seem to want to go back
But it's the whole window thing with whole 3 tabs on it...and I can move it around
never mind...I just reset the settings
Oh that. For future reference, hover your mouse over the top of the tab window until you see what looks like a 4-way cursor (I mean the very top, not the tab name), and drag that over to the right/left/bottom sides of the viewport until you get a long yellow line and just drop it in.