Tech help with a number of issues that have been driving me crazy (realitivly).

I better start off by saying that this is a hobby since the very early days of Lightwave3D and the Video Toaster. I seem the remember Zygote models er something. (Almost 70 I am.) Linda and I have a store and I recently came down with an intense desire to do greeting cards of "Flying Saucers." (I also do prints of other photos I have taken in the past.) So I have been adding Daz models to my arsenal and building "saucers" in Lightwave3D. I've been avoiding asking questions and therefore have been banging my head agaiinst a few problems. So......
1. I just bought Stonemason's The Pool House. (I already had the lights.) A few days ago I got Lagoon Living. Does anyone know if they come with skys, suns and clouds? Or do I have to furnish my own?
2. I have been trying to navigate in Daz the way I do in Lightwave. Quickly. If I have a very large model at some x,y,z space (in Daz3D) I have a heck of a time trying to get a small object in that same space.
3. Oh! DIM has not been loading everything I buy and I have a very hard time with that. I wish I could have everything on a dedicated drive because my 250 gig system SSD is nearly full. I have figured out that there is a way to assign various directories somewhere in Daz3D but I keep forgetting where. (Age, what!) I better get these things in now and do more later.
The Pool House does not include a sky. If you are using Iray and want a basic cloudless sky you can use the built in Sun-Sky model that is part of the Iray render settings. I do not have Lagoon Living so I cannot comment on that one.
For navigating are you having difficulty moving the camera about the small object or moving the small object to the same location as the large object?
In DIM click the gear icon in the upper right corner and select Installation to see the settings for the paths used by DIM. For the content folder locations used inside DAZ Studio, in DS go to Edit --> Preferences --> Content --> click on Content Directory Manager button.
For skies, there are some free ones with the default DAZ content:
And Greg Zaal has a lot of free HDRIs which are pretty amazing:
But of course I'm going to be biased towards my own which can be found here:
Thanks for the comments left by RobotHeadArt and agent unawares. I didn't realize I should have refreshed the screen earlier to see your comments!
So RobotHeadArt. I think most of the trouble comes from moving a smaller object to the place the larger is. But there are many possibilities. In Lightwave all I have to do is change the size of the grid wherein everything lies. I've looked for something similar in Daz3D.
Agent unawares, I'll be checking Greg Zaal's and your images out soonest. (By tomorrow.)
And a well deserved "bias" it is. What a wonderful resource you have provided to the community with your skies. Thank you very much.