What steps to create just a head morph dial?

SamanthieSamanthie Posts: 308

I have completed a character and finally was able to make a single dial for it. The problem is I am trying to make a dial just for the head but the body (Aiko 8) is following along with the slider. How do I create a slider just for the head? 

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    How did you create the shape, and how did you create the parameter to drive it (if that was a separate step)?

  • SamanthieSamanthie Posts: 308
    edited April 2018

    *edited to clarify..

    First I loaded in genesis 8, applied Aiko 8 shape via her morph dial. I zeroed the shape back to the original gen 8 figure and exported to Hexagon with the bridge. Then I created the morph sent back to Daz and saved the morph. After I finished all my morphs and got the character as I wanted I saved as a shaping preset then I zeroed all the morphs and saved as a morph asset. Did I go about this the wrong way? Maybe I should have loaded Aiko8 from the beginning and sent her over to hexagon. I somehow thought I was supposed to use the base genesis 8 figure to create the morphs. Thanks Richard for your reply.


    The dial was created following these steps http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/userguide/creating_content/packaging/tutorials/saving_morphs/start  It is from 2014. 



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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    So you have a single morph you made, which is being combined with the Aiko 8 shape? If your morph modifies both head and body then you need to split it into two - you can do that with the HeadSplit dForm, which adds a weight map that you can select in the Attenuate section of Morph Loader Pro. You can then combine those with the Aiko 8 head and Aiko 8 Body morphs to create two single controller sliders, and finally (if desired) add a master slider to set both head and body.

  • SamanthieSamanthie Posts: 308

    Thanks Richard, exploring the developer kit with the headsplit dform now. Will post if I run into any problems.

  • I tried the same thing using the "Genesis 8 Female HeadSplitDFormer" from the "Genesis 8 Female/Developer Kit" folder; the obj-file was a Genesis 3 morph which i tried to get into Genesis 8. It worked almost fine, but unfortunatly the head comes down to the body when dialing in the head morph; the neck shortens to almost zero crying - any idea why? Are there several versions of this HeadSplitDformer? 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    I tried the same thing using the "Genesis 8 Female HeadSplitDFormer" from the "Genesis 8 Female/Developer Kit" folder; the obj-file was a Genesis 3 morph which i tried to get into Genesis 8. It worked almost fine, but unfortunatly the head comes down to the body when dialing in the head morph; the neck shortens to almost zero crying - any idea why? Are there several versions of this HeadSplitDformer? 

    The HeadSplit Deformer is being used to load a weight map, and those are specific to a mesh. I wouldn't expect it to work on Genesis 3, though your issue could also simply be having the wrong scaling preset selected when importing the morph OBJ.

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