Can't get the shadow catcher to work on a plane

Hi Guys,
I'd like to get my figures out to Photoshop with the shadows included. So I tried the solution with the shadow catcher brick as shown in youtube videos, but I can't get my plane to be invisible. What am I doing wrong? The videos are older, maybe the solution is different now?

Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-14 um 11.04.13.png
501 x 563 - 76K

Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-14 um 11.04.06.png
874 x 467 - 80K
That is a 3Delight set-up - are you rendering in 3Delight, or are you using Iray (which is the default) or one of the OpenGL modes?
Oh, i wasn't aware of that, I just followed the steps in the video. I wanna use iray, so whats the correct way to do it?