I Need More Disk Space I "should" have said.

I am really trying to stop should-ing on myself. Anyway. RobotHead wrote "In DIM click the gear icon in the upper right corner and select Installation to see the settings for the paths used by DIM.  For the content folder locations used inside DAZ Studio, in DS go to Edit --> Preferences --> Content --> click on Content Directory Manager button."

What I need to know is: Can I use the above info to move all my Daz files, which are mostly in my USER folder, to another drive?   If so, hopefully I will be able to do it. Without messing with my system that is. (I have an internal 256 gig SSD to move stuff to.)


  • JMCarriganJMCarrigan Posts: 179

    OOPS! I meant RobotHearArt!

  • JMCarriganJMCarrigan Posts: 179

    Gawd! I meant RobotHeadArt.

  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    Short answer is, yes. Longer answer is, but ... do not move them, at least not intially. Copy them to your new planned location/content folder. Once they are all copied, then you can make the necessary changes to point DIM and the CMS (DAZ Studio) to the location of your new content library. Take DAZ Studio for a spin to verify everything is working as it should from your new content locations, and, if you are satisfied that it is, then you can wipe your original content files BUT at this point you will need to wait for someone who actually uses DIM to pop by (I don't) and speak to potential issues that may exist with DIM having installed all your content once in one location and then being directed from now on to another. I don't know if this might be an issue, but I can't say that it is not. Richard Haseltine could probably tell you off the top of his head if he happens by.

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    DIM has 2 paths to be addressed. One is the Install path, and one is the Download path. These should generally be different. The DIM Install path and the Studio Content Directory Manager path MUST match. You can choose to delete downloads after installation (in DIM) if overall space is an issue, but reinstalling the content will then depend on re-downloading from the DAZ3D site, and the reliability of your internet connection.

    FWIW, your 256GB SSD won't be sufficient if you really pursue this hobby. 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865
    SixDs said:

    Short answer is, yes. Longer answer is, but ... do not move them, at least not intially. Copy them to your new planned location/content folder. Once they are all copied, then you can make the necessary changes to point DIM and the CMS (DAZ Studio) to the location of your new content library. Take DAZ Studio for a spin to verify everything is working as it should from your new content locations, and, if you are satisfied that it is, then you can wipe your original content files BUT at this point you will need to wait for someone who actually uses DIM to pop by (I don't) and speak to potential issues that may exist with DIM having installed all your content once in one location and then being directed from now on to another. I don't know if this might be an issue, but I can't say that it is not. Richard Haseltine could probably tell you off the top of his head if he happens by.

    The main potential issue is that if the content has been moved, and the manifests for the isntalled content have not been updated to reflect that, then DIM will not be able to uninstall the previous version. That might cause a problem if an update required that a file be removed and not replaced (perhaps because a morph had been renamed to avoid the Duplicate Formulas error, as has happened in the past).

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