
Apparently, the rules have changed? I set the lumens at 50,000. like I used to have to do, and I rendered a rather nice totally white scene.

What are the new rules to know? Is there a good tut somewhere?

Also, I can't see the projected light in the scene anymore, but it does render, what's with that? I turned off 'Render Emitter' like I sometimes used to have to do. So confused and Googling the subject is of no help.



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Whether a light previews will depend on the preview mode, in Iray preview it will depend on the Draw Settings pane, in the OpenGL modes it will depend on how many lights the scene already holds (in most cases DS will preview only seven lights at most, you can adjust which seven via the Render Priority setting). As for the burnt out scene, I'm not aware of any recent change - check your Tone Mapping settings in case those have ended up over-exposing the scene.

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