Multiple exe installation
I read something about coding to make this happen but I am not the best coder and that was an old post I read is there a simpler method for 4.10 to install you know multiple .exe files or do I just double click over and over while listening to Barbie Girl? I thought scanning would work but nope.
My .exe files seem to not install in actuality. I double click and hit next next etc but nothing shows up. Is there an alt path? Do I have to just go and copy and paste whatever it just installed to where it should be?
For what? The old Bitrock installers hang in at least some recent versions of Windows, unless you cancel the search for installed dialogue, and once they start to hang it takes a restart to get them running again. Mac users can't run them at all, as I recall. That is why all content now has a zip that can be installed through Install Manager (or manually) or, for many items, separate files that can be installed from within DS using Connect.
Merged related threads.
I figured out how to install them aptly you need to install them directly to your my studio folder instead of the default location. Yeah I think they are old school I dug em up off an old hard drive and half of them are dreadfully awful seems to be very old school but you can find half-decent things like weapons and such which only require a bit of polish for the texture which anyone can do. Though there is a unique bug in some I found if you mash install and let it be it will crash just sitting there sometimes you have to mash install then hit cancel then choose the directory then hit install and then it will do the thing it was meant to do.
Unless these are the old weekly freebies you should be able to get the zip versions from your account.
Freebies from all over the place actually. Some of them when I look up what they even are doesn't exist so they are really old lol.