Anyone use an Asus or Benq 4k monitor?

I am putting the finiishing touches on a new PC, and I'd like to get a 4k (UHD) monitor for it. I think I've narrowed the choices down to the Asus Pro-Art PA329Q or the Benq SW320. Does anyone here use either of these? If so, how do you like it?


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    I believe there are some issues with 4K monitors in Studio; I may be mistaken as I know some sort of fix was implemented, but am not sure to what extent. It would be worth raising a help ticket over imo.

  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,138
    I use 4k monitors with no problems at all. The UI is a bit small, but not unusably so. Where you will run into issues is if you try and use multiple monitors at different resolutions. Windows scaling still doesn't handle that well
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    The only 4K monitor "issue" I know of is the DS interface text size. I believe the "fix" you mentioned was the ability for DS to use the Windows controls to adjust text size universally. DS has no application controls to adjust interface text size. On a small 4K monitor, text size can be difficult to read. On a large 4K monitor, the text is legible (at least to me).

  • will2powerwill2power Posts: 270

    I'm using the LG 43UD79-B. It's a 42.5 inch Monitor at 4K resolution. I was working in a dual monitor setup before with 2 24 inch Acer Monitors at 1080p resolution, but it put a lot of strain on my eyes so I upgraded to a much larger one. I can say that the size of the text at 4K on a larger monitor isn't an issue. you'd think it would be, but it isn't. The only thing that I caution others on, is that a 4k monitor has some quirks if you use a second monitor that doesn't have the same resolution. In the end, rather than change the way I work I ended up getting a second one. Once I did that, things were fine. There are a few hiccups that I think have to do more with my video cards, but that is being resolved in the near future with a couple of upgrades. 

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    I also have an LG 4K monitor. Love it, and have no problem using it with DAZ. The level of detail is amazing! 

  • RaymandRaymand Posts: 62

    Thanks. I’ll check out the Lg also. It’s good to have another one to compare.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    the benq comes in a curved monitor smiley

  • BradCarstenBradCarsten Posts: 856
    edited April 2018
    Mistara said:

    the benq comes in a curved monitor smiley

    I've heard curved displays are light traps. can anyone confirm this? 

    Post edited by BradCarsten on
  • JeffGJeffG Posts: 124
    Mistara said:

    the benq comes in a curved monitor smiley

    I've heard curved displays are light traps. can anyone confirm this? 

    Indeed! One has fallen on me and I have yet to loose myself.

    Sorry for the brevity, I typed this with my toes.

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    For what it's worth at this late date, I did a LOT of shopping and spec comparisons before settling on the BenQ PD3200U 4K UHD monitor, and it's been absolutely fantastic. 

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