How do I edit the Lucas Genesis 8 skin map/texture cheaply?

frownI would like to paint out the pubic hair in the Lucas Genesis 8 character.

I only have the old photoshop 6 software (which will not allow be to import an obj file), but I have a new computer with a very good graphics card.

I understand I can subscribe to the Photoshop Cloud on line for $9 a month, but I also see that I can use Blender free somehow.

Is there another way I can export the obj file for Lucas, paint it, then import it back in to Daz Studio 10, on my PC?

I am willing to pay $100, but not much more.



  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581

    Better yet, instead of painting hair, just use some fibermesh hair and autofit it to your character. Do a google search for "Laticis Freebies" and there's a set of hair that should work, you may just need to edit the materials.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    If you insist on painting it use GIMP. It is free.

  • WandWWandW Posts: 2,847
    edited April 2018

    You don't need to edit an .obj file (which Genesis 8 doesn't even use) but simply edit the torso texture.   For Lucas 8 it would be /Runtime/Textures/Daz/Characters/Genesis8/Lucas8/Lucas8TorsoD_1002.jpg  (and Runtime/Textures/Daz/Characters/Genesis8/Lucas8/Lucas8Gens02D.jpg and Lucas8Gens01D.jpg if you need to remove it from his bits) Save it under a new name and you can point to the edited texture in the Surfaces tab.

    As Nonesuch notes, GIMP is a powerful free Open-Source image editor, but you should be able to open the texture in your Photoshop...

    Post edited by WandW on
  • 3dGordon3dGordon Posts: 42

    yesThank you all very much!

    After downloading and playing with Gimp a little I realized, as WandW suggested, that I COULD open the jpg Torso of Lucas8 in my old photoshop software. I was trying to open the obj file and not the individual jpg.
    I will now play with painting out the hair, saving, and importing it back in to Daz Studio.
    I also realize I need to make a copy of the Lucas8 torso texture in case something goes wrong, or I want to revert back to the original version, before I change anything.


    I also checked out the Laticis Freebies, that Male suggested. I saw the adds for adding pubic hair to the gens, but I did not see any way to cover up the hair, or even how to download any of his free stuff, where would I download it?

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    3dGordon said:

    yesThank you all very much!

    After downloading and playing with Gimp a little I realized, as WandW suggested, that I COULD open the jpg Torso of Lucas8 in my old photoshop software. I was trying to open the obj file and not the individual jpg.
    I will now play with painting out the hair, saving, and importing it back in to Daz Studio.
    I also realize I need to make a copy of the Lucas8 torso texture in case something goes wrong, or I want to revert back to the original version, before I change anything.


    I also checked out the Laticis Freebies, that Male suggested. I saw the adds for adding pubic hair to the gens, but I did not see any way to cover up the hair, or even how to download any of his free stuff, where would I download it?

    You don't cover up the hair, you click the eyeball in the scene tab for the pubic hair and that hides it so it doesn't poke through jeans or such. The download will be on the Laticis Imagery pubic hair freebie page at DeviantArt about 1/2 way down the right of the page, it's a download button. They have over freebies too. Use search for Laticis imagery at or Google. I think you'll need an Deviant account & to accept seeing adult material in their terms of service. 

  • 3dGordon3dGordon Posts: 42

    Thanks, I did download and install the Laticis Pubic Hair.

    I am getting one big grey block around the Lucas8, Daz 8 Gens when I apply the choice for the pubes. I also get a warning that these are not installed:

    data/laticis imagery/li_g2male_genital_hair/li_g2male_pubic_hair/li_g2male_pubic_hair_123246.dsf

    runtime/textures/laticis imagery textures/li_gen2_male_pubic_hair/li_gen2_male_pubic_hair_00.jpg

    I unzipped the folder to: Public, Public Documents, My DAZ 3D Library.

    Should I have unzipped it to Runtime or something else?


    Thank you again very much!

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    If you navigate to the location of the root of your DAZ 'Content Library' you'll see that that folder has many folders two of which are named 'data' and 'runtime' like the error message states at the beginning of the two files missing are the folders also by the name of 'runtime' and 'data'. Unless you have multiple DAZ 'Content Library' locations added which you would have to have done manually yourself there will be not other DAZ 'Content Library' root folders that have both 'data' and 'runtime' directories both in them.

    data/laticis imagery/li_g2male_genital_hair/li_g2male_pubic_hair/li_g2male_pubic_hair_123246.dsf

    runtime/textures/laticis imagery textures/li_gen2_male_pubic_hair/li_gen2_male_pubic_hair_00.jpg

    eg, my DAZ root Content Library folder is at D:\Documents\Design\DAZ 3D\Studio\Library

  • 3dGordon3dGordon Posts: 42
    edited April 2018

    sadOK, I put each file in the proper folders by hand and got the Laticis pubic hair to show up above the G8 pubic hair.

    The problem still remains, because when I turn off the Eye in the Daz Scene Tab the new pubes do disappear but the origianl G8 pubes below still show up.
    Have any of you tried this on the Generation 8 gens? It was designed for Generation 2.

    Unless I am still doing this incorrectly it looks like I will have to paint the pubes out, which will leave that area flat and with out texture, which I think will be OK.

    To bad the G8 gens do not have the Michael 4 option for total nude gens.

    Thanks again!

    Post edited by 3dGordon on
  • thebiggydiggythebiggydiggy Posts: 26
    edited April 2018
    3dGordon said:

    sadOK, I put each file in the proper folders by hand and got the Laticis pubic hair to show up above the G8 pubic hair.

    The problem still remains, because when I turn off the Eye in the Daz Scene Tab the new pubes do disappear but the origianl G8 pubes below still show up.
    Have any of you tried this on the Generation 8 gens? It was designed for Generation 2.

    Unless I am still doing this incorrectly it looks like I will have to paint the pubes out, which will leave that area flat and with out texture, which I think will be OK.

    To bad the G8 gens do not have the Michael 4 option for total nude gens.

    Thanks again!

    You painted over the pubic hair in an image editing program, correct? Did you then replace the original torso map in the Surfaces pane with your new edited version? iIf so, are there other maps that contain pubic hair? Transparency / Cutout Opacity maybe? If you have, did you clear memory or alternatively restart Daz3D? I've had problems with daz caching texture maps and not updating ones I add in that have identical names.

    Edit: I did a quick edit and just removing the diffuse map's pubic hair is not enough. You have to remove at least the SSS/Translucency maps. I just loaded them all including bump into Photoshop and did a piss-quick job with the stamp tool.

    Remove the maps, and apply your edited maps. Either rename all the maps to something NOT identical to the old maps or you have to use Purge Memory (it's in the Content Library under Scripts -> Utilities) after removing the old maps. If you don't purge memory daz will take the maps it cached (which are the old ones). Then apply the maps again.

    2987 x 1077 - 254K
    Post edited by thebiggydiggy on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited April 2018
    3dGordon said:

    sadOK, I put each file in the proper folders by hand and got the Laticis pubic hair to show up above the G8 pubic hair.

    The problem still remains, because when I turn off the Eye in the Daz Scene Tab the new pubes do disappear but the origianl G8 pubes below still show up.
    Have any of you tried this on the Generation 8 gens? It was designed for Generation 2.

    Unless I am still doing this incorrectly it looks like I will have to paint the pubes out, which will leave that area flat and with out texture, which I think will be OK.

    To bad the G8 gens do not have the Michael 4 option for total nude gens.

    Thanks again!

    I think some of the G8 characters do have totally nude gens but Lucas 8 is not one of them. I think Michael 8 does but I don't remember 100%. 

    I don't know what the Laticis Imagery Pubic Hair problem is, it's been a long time since I tested them but they worked. You much of installed to wrong place. There should be a read me included with the zip file giving specific instructions for manually installing such products although 90% of the freebies expect you to copy all the folder below the  'Content Library' level of the zip to the corresponding 'Content Library level of your own DAZ Content Library. Sorry. 

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • 3dGordon3dGordon Posts: 42
    edited April 2018


    I am ready to give up on editing exporting and importing the Lucas character pubes in either photoshop or gimp. 
    I have experimented and searched for hours on how to erase the pubes and I can not find a good tutorial, or get results after editing in my old photoshop.
    I can not use the new photoshop bridge in the C series because mine is before that.
    I tried dragging the Lucas torso mat/texture/template directly into photoshop and editing the jpg, then replacing it with the edited, no pubes one, but the original pubes template always comes back.
    I can not find a good tutorial in Gimp on how to export the obj/jpg in to it, edit it, and import it back in to Daz Studio 10, on my PC.
    I am ready to just edit out the pubes in my still renders in photoshop, unless any of you can lead me in to a better solution.

    Thanks again!

    Post edited by 3dGordon on
  • 3dGordon3dGordon Posts: 42

    How do I edit Lucas 8 templates/textures/maps in Gimp or the Adobe CC Lightroom monthly rental?
    I would like to know how to export files and import them back in to Daz Studio from one of these softwares.

    Thanks! yes

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    Open the textures in PS, you will find them in Runtime>Textures under Daz> Characters>Genesis8: once you have done the alterations you want resave the maps under a different name wherever you want, in DS under the surface tab replace the existing maps with you altered ones, you can then save it as a material preset.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Merged threads

  • 3dGordon3dGordon Posts: 42
    edited April 2018


    scorpio said:

    Open the textures in PS, you will find them in Runtime>Textures under Daz> Characters>Genesis8: once you have done the alterations you want resave the maps under a different name wherever you want, in DS under the surface tab replace the existing maps with you altered ones, you can then save it as a material preset.

    OK, I did as you suggested and opened the Lucas8TorsoD_1002gpg in Runtime>Textures under Daz> Characters>Genesis8 without exporting it through other channels.
    I painted out the pubes, as you can see in the photo below, then saved it to a different name - Lucas8TorsoD_1002_2.jpg, by adding the _2 on the end, and saved it in the same folder.

    In Photoshop-6 I saved the torso as; Quality 12/ Maximum Baseline/Optimized JPG (the original file shows up as a GPG, but is a JPG in the folder?)
    As you can see in the small maps at the bottom my painted version still shows up with the pubes on it.

    Also, in my DS 4.10 - PC I don't see the torso maps in the surface tab. Any idea what I am doing wrong with all of this!

    Thank you very much!

    Mod edit :-  Please use a screenshot with a clothed figure.

    1215 x 781 - 421K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492
    edited April 2018

    You are in Surfaces - Presets. You need to be in Surfaces - Editor. Then you can expand the list of surfaces to see the torso settings and plug your map in there.

    By the way, I don't think the Forum Mods will like your attached images of a textured naked figure - they may well remove them

    377 x 321 - 28K
    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • 3dGordon3dGordon Posts: 42
    edited April 2018

    Sorry, I did not know that a nude male could not be shown, even with out genitals.

    OK, Melanie I changed to the editor tab but I still can not find the maps to apply the torso image I painted.
    Once I do find the tosrso image a painted it seems DS overwrites it and keeps the pubs on some layer over my painted one.



    DS 4.10 Lucas8.png
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    Post edited by 3dGordon on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492
    edited April 2018

    Sorry for the delay (other commitments took me away from my PC for a while).

    OK so I loaded up Lucas 8 myself and painted over the diffuse map to see your problem for myself. Assuming you are using Iray to render, there are two maps you definitely need to overpaint, and ideally four. The ones you really have to overpaint are the diffuse map (in Base Color) but also the Translucency Color map. To do a proper job you need to overpaint the ones in Dual Lobe Specular Reflectivity and also Base Bump (not visible on your attached image, you need to scroll down a bit to see it). If you remove the hair from all four of these maps, it should be perfect.

    (Edit to correct typoes)

    468 x 742 - 74K
    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • 3dGordon3dGordon Posts: 42
    edited April 2018

    smileyThanks Melanie, your suggetion worked. I painted all four maps of the Torso  pubes and when I did an iray render the pubes were totally gone, leaving a bald mound.

    The next problem presented itself when I applied the genesis8 gens back on to Lucas. It turns out the gens also have pubic hair that is ment to blend in to the torso pubes above.

    I then painted out the pubes that were on the four gens maps for the first four "cut" maps "Gens 01". 

    Hurray! The results are not perfect, as you see, but with some more work to lighten up the top of the maps in Photoshop (or any image editing software), I can get the results I want with just a little post work in the final renderings.

    Any other suggestions like adding back some texture map layers to make this better?

    Thanks again to everyone! yes

    Lucas8 Maps.png
    585 x 212 - 97K
    Lucas8 Gens Maps.png
    820 x 599 - 266K
    Post edited by 3dGordon on
  • 3dGordon3dGordon Posts: 42
    edited April 2018

    smileyThanks Melanie, your suggetion worked. I painted all four maps of the Torso  pubes and when I did an iray render the pubes were totally gone, leaving a bald mound.

    The next problem presented itself when I applied the genesis8 gens back on to Lucas. It turns out his gens also have pubic hair that is ment to blend in to the torso pubes above.

    I then painted out the pubes that were on the four gens maps for the first four "cut" maps "Gens 01". 

    Hurray! The pubic hair is gone from the torso and gens, but I am left with the dark triangle. I can paint this out in the final renderings, unless anyone has more suggestions on how to diminish this dark triangle.

    PS:  The gens look better on Gunner8, as the dark triangle is less noticeable.

    Any other suggestions like adding back some texture map layers to make this better?

    Thanks again to everyone! yes

    Post edited by 3dGordon on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492

    Mm, getting an exact match across the seam like that is not so easy, I suspect. I never use gens myself (my men are generally at least half-clothed) so I don't really have any suggestions on this. Sorry.

  • 3dGordon3dGordon Posts: 42

    OK, so what is that mesh where the seem is? Is it the base layer that the gens were made on?

    Does anyone know a way to lighten a layer like that?

    Thanks again!

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492

    I did a forum search and found this post from a while ago about seams in this area on Lucas and some other characters - I don't know whether it is of any help?


  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    3dGordon said:
    The pubic hair is gone from the torso and gens, but I am left with the dark triangle. I can paint this out in the final renderings, unless anyone has more suggestions on how to diminish this dark triangle.

    You might be seeing the effect of texture scaling differences — the Anatomical Bits texture maps and the torso texture maps are both 4096x4906 pixels, but the line of the geograft where the two textures meet is much smaller on the Torso maps. This might not cause a problem if all you have are diffuse textures, but when you add in complications like Specular, SubSurface Scattering, etc. you can end up with changes at the border that have to be fixed by adjusting various other parameters in the material. Your edits might have changed the textures enough to knock these adjustments a bit off kilter, so the join is more obvious.

    There was another discussion on a similar topic some time back (maybe a year or so?) — if anyone can remember a link, that might help.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Yes, there are seems with Lucas & other characters. I opened a ticket & they had me uninstall & reinstall everthing and this 99% worked for all of like one render. I haven't tried a nude render since.

  • 3dGordon3dGordon Posts: 42
    edited April 2018

    Well I made this all much more complicated than it needed to be.

    The image you see is from applying skin from "SF Beautiful Skin Iray Genesis 8 Male"

    I did not have to export anything in to Photoshop, or paint anything.

    There are other applications like this that I have not tried yet.

    This image is from The Gunner version of Lucas, which seems to work better at this time. You have to by the Lucas Pro Bundle (or any Genesis 8 Pro Bundle), to get the generation 8 genitals, unfortuneatly. Gunner does not have the gens, you have to get them from Lucas Pro, or another Pro Bundle.

    Thanks again for all of your help!


    Mod edit:- Image removed due to genital nudity

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    3dGordon said:

    Well I made this all much more complicated than it needed to be.

    The image you see is from applying skin from "SF Beautiful Skin Iray Genesis 8 Male"

    I did not have to export anything in to Photoshop, or paint anything.

    There are other applications like this that I have not tried yet.

    This image is from The Gunner version of Lucas, which seems to work better at this time. You have to by the Lucas Pro Bundle (or any Genesis 8 Pro Bundle), to get the generation 8 genitals, unfortuneatly. Gunner does not have the gens, you have to get them from Lucas Pro, or another Pro Bundle.

    Thanks again for all of your help!


    Mod edit:- Image removed due to genital nudity

    That's good. Gunner was one of the ones that I tested that had seams, even Tyrone for Darius 8 had seems, although much harder to see.  I thought the seems may had results because I was used the BOSS Pro Light Kit or something odd about the lighting. Maybe I will buy that product  in the future if I have have need to do such a render besides a product test.

  • 3dGordon3dGordon Posts: 42

    It's amazing that any image that has any hint of nudity (not sex), in this forum is deleted.
    It is OK for minors to look through the store at all the sexy men and women in sexy underwear and poses.
    No one under 18 should be able to even look at the Daz3d website with these rules.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    3dGordon said:

    It's amazing that any image that has any hint of nudity (not sex), in this forum is deleted.
    It is OK for minors to look through the store at all the sexy men and women in sexy underwear and poses.
    No one under 18 should be able to even look at the Daz3d website with these rules.

    I sort of like it as it creates incentive to be more creative. Also, the nudes are easiest to make look realistic so having a rule such that they have to wear clothing encourages techniques to improve the realism on hair & enviroments.

    As far as the moral aspects it doesn't bother me that they ban it although I'd like a no blood rule too but whatever.

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