zBrush 4R6 Released.

RorrKonnRorrKonn Posts: 509
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

zBrush 4R6 Released.

When I just upgraded from zBrush 4R4 to zBrush 4R5 & it Broke GoZ.
So then I full installation zBrush 4R5 & GoZ worked

Think I'm going to full installation zBrush 4R6.
Unless any one knows better ?


  • msorrelsmsorrels Posts: 44
    edited December 1969

    I did the upgrade it and it broke GoZ. I fixed it by manually putting the correct files into c:\Users\Public\Pixologic (which I found in the ZBrush install directory TroubleShoot Help/GoZ/Pixologic). I then hand edited the GoZ_Config.txt (that I copied over) to have a PATH instruction pointing to my ZBrush install.

    I don't recommend anyone do this.

    I have no idea if a full install would work. But given I had to use ProcMonitor (a Microsoft app that records all file and registry access) to figure out what DAZ Studio and ZBrush were looking for, then I had to guess about the PATH line in the GoZ_Config.txt (without it I kept getting an error about not being able to find ZBrush). I don't think that's the approved method.

    I did try all the GoZ reset/reinstall options in ZBrush itself, but it didn't fix anything. I also try re-installing just the GoZ plugin to DAZ Studio. Neither solved the problems. I didn't try a full install of ZBrush which may very well have just worked perfectly.

    Mine seems to be working now, I was able to send Genesis 2 over to ZBrush, paint on it, and send it back. But no one should have to do what I did to work out why it kept giving me the various errors it did.

  • RorrKonnRorrKonn Posts: 509
    edited December 1969

    msorrels said:
    I did the upgrade it and it broke GoZ. I fixed it by manually putting the correct files into c:\Users\Public\Pixologic (which I found in the ZBrush install directory TroubleShoot Help/GoZ/Pixologic). I then hand edited the GoZ_Config.txt (that I copied over) to have a PATH instruction pointing to my ZBrush install.

    I don't recommend anyone do this.

    I have no idea if a full install would work. But given I had to use ProcMonitor (a Microsoft app that records all file and registry access) to figure out what DAZ Studio and ZBrush were looking for, then I had to guess about the PATH line in the GoZ_Config.txt (without it I kept getting an error about not being able to find ZBrush). I don't think that's the approved method.

    I did try all the GoZ reset/reinstall options in ZBrush itself, but it didn't fix anything. I also try re-installing just the GoZ plugin to DAZ Studio. Neither solved the problems. I didn't try a full install of ZBrush which may very well have just worked perfectly.

    Mine seems to be working now, I was able to send Genesis 2 over to ZBrush, paint on it, and send it back. But no one should have to do what I did to work out why it kept giving me the various errors it did.

    No one can ever say your not dedicated and determined.
    I'm definitely going with the full installation zBrush 4R6.

  • BlackFeather1973BlackFeather1973 Posts: 739
    edited December 1969

    Upgraded from 4R5 to 4R6, no problems with GoZ...

  • bloodboybloodboy Posts: 68
    edited December 1969

    To Bad .. after updating Zbrush to 4R6 ,, GoZ with DAZ STUDIO is not working anymore ;(
    Does anyone have the same Problems ??

  • bloodboybloodboy Posts: 68
    edited December 1969

    I have also Problems wit GoZ now .. I work on a MAC ..

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933
    edited December 1969

    I do full installs and have had no problems with GoZ, but I haven't installed R6 yet. The updater, by the description, does copy all your existing settings so it's possible that something becomes disconnected as a result, if so a full install should avoid the issue.

  • bloodboybloodboy Posts: 68
    edited December 1969

    I did a Full Installation of ZBrush4R6 even reinstalled GoZ from Daz ..

    Daz say´s can#t connect to ZBRUSH And ZBRUSH tells Unable to Open File

  • Laticis ImageryLaticis Imagery Posts: 488
    edited December 1969

    I took the update route R5 to R6 and GoZ is working okay.

  • msorrelsmsorrels Posts: 44
    edited December 1969

    If you look at how the whole GoZ thing works, all of it relies on some files. On windows these are in:


    There are a set of binaries in c:\users\Public\Pixologic\GoZBrush that apps like DAZ Studio call.
    The apps themselves each have their own directory, where they install their plugins and code. For example DAZ Studio 64 bit's is:


    32 bit one is:


    There is also a directory with projects: c:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZProjects

    In my case, after the update, all the binaries from ZBrush which should have been in c:\users\Public\Pixologic\GoZBrush were gone. So DAZ Studio tries to start c:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZBrush\GoZBrushFromApp.exe and since the file isn't there it fails.

    So what I did was find these files in my ZBrush install. The entire c:\Users\Public\Pixologic directory layout was in D:\Apps\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6\Troubleshoot Help\GoZ\Pixologic\ Most likely to help their support guys fix install problems like this.

    (I have Zbrush installed on my D: drive, which I have long suspected was the root of my problems, I don't use c:\Program Files for anything I don't have to)

    So I copied the GoZ files from the ZBrush sub-dir into c:\Users\Public\Pixologic
    This changed the error to one of not being able to find Zbrush. Which makes sense, because the files I copied over didn't have any settings in them. So to fix this I edited the file

    And added a line to it:

    Which points to where my ZBrush exe is. Note I added the line with the right case and with the correct slash. ZBrush itself changed the file after I did a GoZ operation to the text above.

    You may need to also re-install the GoZ DAZ Studio plugin. It puts files into
    c:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZApps\DAZStudio64 including a GoZ_Config.txt that points to your copy of DAZ Studio. That part seemed to work (I just used Install Manager to reinstall the GoZ Plugin). But the ZBrush updater/installer didn't correctly setup the ZBrush app files in the global shared dir. I have no idea why. But this isn't the first time. The last upgrade did a similar thing, though I think I fixed it by deactivating, uninstalling and then full reinstalling.

  • bloodboybloodboy Posts: 68
    edited December 1969

    I don´t get it to work .. I even uninstall GoZ -Daz and Zbrush6 and all Pixologic Entries ..
    Does anyone have a direction for me on a MAC ?

  • KajiKaji Posts: 21
    edited December 1969

    Bloodboy, don't know if you fixed your problem but I'm on a Mac and I had the same issue. Make sure you get the latest Zbrush update (P2 was released a few weeks ago) and then set the pathing for GoZ in Zbrush. Make sure you can export from Zbrush to Daz. If you can't, and get a file write error, check out this thread to fix it.


    Turns out when I did that it fixed my export problems from Daz to Zbrush.

  • hellbornhellborn Posts: 59
    edited October 2021

    In 2021.7 I had to partly use msorrels method above.

    The file /users/Shared/Pixologic/GoZBrush/Scripts/GoZ_ExportFromZBrush was missing.

    I tried a forced reinstall but that did not add the missing files.

    Looked for the Pixologic\ZBrush (version)\Troubleshoot Help\GoZ\Pixologic\ in zBrush install folder as suggested, but did not find it.

    There was however a executable file, 
    GoZ_for_ZBrush_Installer_WIN.exe found in Pixologic\ZBrush (version)\Troubleshoot Help.
    It did install all the missing GoZ content to /users/Shared/Pixologic/GoZBrush/Scripts/


    Post edited by hellborn on
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