referrence image setup

i'm trying to set up referenceb images for posing in the ssembly room, but the image load too big on the planesv and parts of he image are bncut off. how to fix?


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221

    Backdrop vs background - with scene selected in lower right, put your image in backdrop. Adjust render dimensions to match image proportions.   You can put a 360 degree image in background, but you will only see a small portion at a time.

  • IKtorIKtor Posts: 44

    The first choice you make is important.If you start to assign like the image example in the icon mark as ( A) vertex this will give you a reference. Meanwhile, if you change and to chose in B icon is the same but will change the reference of your image. In this example, I choose first on the ( a) bottom but to show you I change and chose on (B). As you may notice object is

    no longer fit the image reference. Only if I chose where I start the A option will. Why it happens I never know. 

    1905 x 1049 - 475K
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