In-Program File Data Question

I am getting a new computer and am going to manually drag and drop my scene files, prop, morph and material files into the appropriate folders. When I do this, Daz will not recognize them in the "saved file" menu. How do I make it so they do?
Are you saying that after you open the scene, Studio doesn't save it back to the original location? An installation on a new computer won't have any save history. However the Stusio default is to save to the Scenes folder in your Studio Library, do you use a different location?
No I can open it in Daz through going to File-->Open and selecting the scene. Upon saving it, it will be put in the saved file section but this would take a very long time as a I have a lot of scenes and I'm not sure how to do this with my material files. Is there a way, just like the option to re-import metadata, to have Daz import all the files I have placed in the folders into it's save history?
Maybe a better question would be: Is there a folder Daz has of the save history? If so, I might be able to copy that over so the saved files tabs will actually have all my scenes without me having to go through all the hassle of manually adding them.
What "saved files menu"? The Recent sub menu of the File menu, or the Saved Files category in the Smart Content pane/Categories list in the Content Library pane?
Ah right. The Saved Files category in the Smart Content pane
On the old machine open the Content Library option menu (the lined button in the top corner)>Content DB Maintenance, check Export User data and accept - that will create a userdata file in /Runtime/Support in you main conent directory. copy that to the new machine, open the same dialogue and check reimport metadata, then check the User data option
Thanks Richard! I’ll do that as soon as I’m able