Iray behaves strangely in viewport

Ever since I reinstalled my OS clean and proper, with all the latest drivers (yes, NVIDIA too)and Daz Studio as well, the use of viewport in iRay has behaved strangely.

As long as I am in OpenGL, no problem. As soon as I switch it to iRay, the transitionnary look, which used to be a white-ish coating, sports some bright pink surfaces.

It happens with commercial products which load as full scenes, not just things I composite myself from several sources.Also, the viesport keeps refreshing like crazy, over

and over, depixellating as the iray engine calculates, then repixellating to do it again.  At this time, I have no special scripts loaded in DS, its folder is devoid of any alterations.

This is how it looks like . It also switches to the same thing in pink. I really am at a loss there, I have solved about everything else I think, but this one's got me stumped.

One product on which it happens everytime, and which used to work great: Secluded Island


Post edited by Second Technician Rimmer on


  • JMCarriganJMCarrigan Posts: 179

    I see no one has remarked on your question in some time - or ever.  I wish I could help.  Let's see.  Well OpenGL doesn't work for me, But I'm 70 and if I had another 100 years I may have gotten far in this program. So I try one scene at a time.  One piece of artwok at a time. Sorry.

  • It's very kind of you to post a reply about it, JM, I appreciate your kindness :) I am not 70 but I also take things one at a time... even if I wish my renders were going faster. Tough, I can't afford to upgrade yet. I have contacted Andrei, who made the Secluded Island product. It seems that this odd "Blue Bug" is caused by something recent, most likely a W10 update or a NVidia driver update (hell if i know which one). Andrei noticed this too, so I am not a unique case. However this can be very annoying if you are the sort of person who uses a mow setting on the viewport to make things smoother in pre-render work. Summer Island shows some bugs too, I have been told. Some clothes will show it too. I think it would deserve a bit of attention from the powers that be...

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