How do you save a parented object?

I have some jewelry I've decided I don't want to save as rigged items, since that causes too much distortion. Is there a way to save them as a wearable (or something) so they'll properly parent to a figure when loaded?


  • Eagle99Eagle99 Posts: 159
    edited April 2018

    You already mentioned the solution. A wearable preset.


    First load in your object, position it at the Genesis Figure where you want it and parent it to the bone you want, i.e. the head for earrings, etc.

    Select your object and save it out as a Figure/Prop: File - Save As... - Support Asset... - Figure/Prop Asset ...

    This saves out the mesh, etc. in a format DS can load directly.

    Then select the Genesis Figure and choose File - Save As... - Wearable(s) Preset ...

    Select the same file you just saved as a Figure/Prop and click Yes when asked to overwrite.

    In the dialog select you object (deselect the eyelashes for Genesis8) and save it.


    When you now load it back in, it will load as a wearable at the bone and position you saved it and move with the figure.


    Kind regards, Eagle99



    Post edited by Eagle99 on
  • Thanks!

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