Morph Loader: Corroput Result

I using with the basic G3M morph created with GenX on a G3F.
For learning I want to export and import this morph.
I exported the a G3F with the morph on 100% as a obj with the DAZ3D presets (Resolution Level on the G3F is basic).
After that I imported the obj via morph loader pro (again with the DAZ3D default preset).
Every looks good until I start using poses. The fingers are fully broken and there seems an offset, which is very notiable on the arms/shoulder.
I attach some screenshot. On of the G3M original. Than one of the G3F with the G3M morph. There are two additional screenshots which shows characters (the G3M und G3F with morphs), to make the offset more visible.
The crazy thing is, if I add additonal morphs into the obj files, at least the fingers are fixed (it may be propably the arm length morph which fixes the fingers ( I think I scaled the arm Lengths down to the lengths of the G3F)).
It could be a problem with the bones...? I have no bone experience, is there an easy way to fix this?
here are the picutres
Run Adjust Rigging to Shape(Edit-Figure-Rigging)
Yeah, this did the trick! Thank you.
If other people run into this issue: I saved the "adjusted rigging to shape" with "ERC freeze" into the morph. Otherwise the figure figure will be broken if you set the morph back to 0% ;)